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I am on Twitter in my real name


Got raped by this botak??


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she is the #1 most likeable person in this forum... the mother of all sluts...one of boss sam most admired slut as well ..:geek:
Look at your shameless Cantonese mouth ganging up with filthy Indian kt latha to smear a virgin a slut. Your mother wife daughters and kt latha are the real sluts calling me one. Pui!


Look at your shameless Cantonese mouth ganging up with filthy Indian kt latha to smear a virgin a slut. Your mother wife daughters and kt latha are the real sluts calling me one. Pui!
you pui and pui oso no use lah...ur resume is oredi cast in stone in this forum. !!!
* fake virgin... hubby oso can't tehan her nonsense
* MIW chased her out from the house
* got fired by the boss... real trouble maker in the company
* neighbour from HELL


you pui and pui oso no use lah...ur resume is oredi cast in stone in this forum. !!!
* fake virgin... hubby oso can't tehan her nonsense
* MIW chased her out from the house
* got fired by the boss... real trouble maker in the company
* neighbour from HELL
You coward Cantonese liar bully resume then is cast in stone. Repeating lies is your Cantonese way to win just like ganging up with filthy Indian kt latha. I am a virgin is a fact and kt latha and LJ Mccully did wrong to me are facts that I said it in the past and now in my real name. Not like you Cantonese rat hiding here smearing me by ganging up with other races as usual.


All the coward doggies smearing me behind dare not go twitter to post because knowing this is a dirty forum for you cheap and dirty Malaysian and sinkie dogs to hide here spamming lies and harassing me. Pui their mother wife daughters phua cb!