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I am on Twitter in my real name


Very Kind Lady, you are a fucking slut, no hymen, legs open, nipples erect, cheebye dripping!


Hey proven coward Malaysian dog why sacred to go post in twitter, Slut is your mother wife daughters and kt latha.

I am so proud of myself. Whatever I said in the past I can say now in my real name I can say in twitter. Not like fucking Malaysian evil dogs hiding here and out there smearing and harassing me non stop for years. Pui their slut mother wife daughters phua cb!


I am so proud of myself. Whatever I said in the past I can say now in my real name I can say in twitter. Not like fucking Malaysian evil dogs hiding here and out there smearing and harassing me non stop for years. Pui their slut mother wife daughters phua cb!

You can post your cheebye face on the newspaper with a report of your hymen certificate.


And of course you pretentious dog already know my real name since 2013 when Malaysian dog smeared me in Living in jb forum.

Not just know my name and know my face and steal my photos and viciously smeared me worldwide slut whore mistress using the ccb words of slut kt latha to justify. And now ccb sons of sluts still dare to whistle at me everywhere I go.


And of course you pretentious dog already know my real name since 2013 when Malaysian dog smeared me in Living in jb forum.
We have your nric number, phone number, JB address and Singapore address. Someone will collect your hymen soon.


We have your nric number, phone number, JB address and Singapore address. Someone will collect your hymen soon.
Of course that ccb Malaysian dog exposed my NRIC number then and not a single kind soul told me. What a disgusting forum with selfish bastards with you die your business mentality and then act poor thing kpkb bully by government.


We have your nric number, phone number, JB address and Singapore address. Someone will collect your hymen soon.

Hey coward son of slut you want to threaten to rape me go post in twitter. Don’t do it hiding in this rat hole.


Hey coward son of slut you want to threaten to rape me go post in twitter. Don’t do it hiding in this rat hole.

What's the difference?
You have a whole archive of your lunatic and slutty history over here for all to see.

Are you posting your sex videos on Twitter?