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I am on Twitter in my real name


You can post your hymen cert but you couldn't. Because you are a phua CB.

I am a virgin with annulled marriage slandered worldwide as slut whore mistress by you ccb Malaysians and Indians is a fact. While your mother wife daughters are phua cb and that’s why you think and accused me phua cb is another fact. Pui your mother wife daughters phua cb!


I am a virgin with annulled marriage slandered worldwide as slut whore mistress by you ccb Malaysians and Indians is a fact. While your mother wife daughters are phua cb and that’s why you think and accused me phua cb is another fact. Pui your mother wife daughters phua cb!

You are a madwhore.


What a disgusting forum with coward dogs pretending innocent after doing evil to me for years. And then act poor thing bully by government pap or whatever. So pretentious so coward so evil so disgusting. Their mother wife daughters are the phua cb that they accused me to be!


i don't understand why she whack us. we have not do anything bad to her.

What a shameless liar Malaysian bully dog tell shameless lies of not doing a thing when you called slandering and insulting me slut whore mistress as your entertainment.


What a shameless liar Malaysian bully dog tell shameless lies of not doing a thing when you called slandering and insulting me slut whore mistress as your entertainment.
i am confuse and disappointed. you dun care just whack every body here.


Many siao lang .she is one of them

So pretentious coward bully that’s what you Malaysian and sinkie dogs want to achieve for me to go mad and better still kill myself. Smearing me harassing me by whistling everywhere I go. That’s how you losers call yourself winner mah. Stealing slandering and harassing are your smart and clever ways to win. Pui your mother wife daughters phua cb!


So pretentious coward bully that’s what you Malaysian and sinkie dogs want to achieve for me to go mad and better still kill myself. Smearing me harassing me by whistling everywhere I go. That’s how you losers call yourself winner mah. Stealing slandering and harassing are your smart and clever ways to win. Pui your mother wife daughters phua cb!

Changing id and then pretending innocent is also these loser evil dogs smart and clever way to win mah.