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I am on Twitter in my real name


i can see why member ginfreely is so unpopular here. He or she is so rude to call others coward bully dog, n insult people's mother wife daughters phua cb. Very shocking.

You are the top malicious psychopath that has been harassing and smearing me slut whore mistress for years. Pui your mother wife daughters phua cb is what you deserved!


GSB, why you sit until like that, legs open so wide. I can smell your fanny.


Proven Coward Malaysian dog rat tortoise snake dare not go twitter to post and harassing me here and outside. Pui your mother wife daughters phyla cb!

More people whistle at you these days? I think they want to eat your pussy.


You are the top malicious psychopath that has been harassing and smearing me slut whore mistress for years. Pui your mother wife daughters phua cb is what you deserved!
you mistaken me for my master. I don't do anything wrong to you.


You are a broken cunt. Fucked millions. What virgin?
You Malaysian dogs tell lies to win while I have stated facts only since day one and that’s why I can say the same thing on twitter in my real name while you are a coward criminal bully hiding here. Pui your mother wife daughters phua cb!


You Malaysian dogs tell lies to win while I have stated facts only since day one and that’s why I can say the same thing on twitter in my real name while you are a coward criminal bully hiding here. Pui your mother wife daughters phua cb!

You can post your hymen cert but you couldn't. Because you are a phua CB.