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助纣为虐Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes @balls2u @houri @lostvirgin etc are so immoral


she can't harass people in this forum now she goes out to harass people in jurong east
I hope they drag her into the bushes and oar her big Mac until she bleed.



Got cctv got photo got witness but you dare not report to polis becos they will arrest you.
Fucking mad slut. :geek: :sneaky: :biggrin:
Tell blatant lies again you evil immoral Cantonese dog son of chicken pretend don’t know I report police get nothing but lies by whistling dogs that they are whistling to relax ya right 1000 men whistle to relax infront of me Pui


I think in mudland or Thai they will insert baton into her toa cb.
If she dare to walk in sg polis post, the charge list gonna be a long one, including harassment to ministers and the public, creating false evidence, making false polis report and soliciting for business etc
Report crimes is called harassment according to you 助纣为虐 一手遮天 Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes hiding in rat hole doing defamation crimes to Gansiokbin Pui!


K Shanmugam Sc Singapore law is lacking and unable to deal with evil immoral people ganging up to use whistle to bully a woman. A woman has no 1000 lives or even 1000 hours to report police to fight 1000 criminals. Where’s justice?

One thing is for sure evil Malaysian and local criminals have been doing defamation crimes to me hiding in rat hole smearing me slut whore mistress and evil dirty men have been using whistle to harass and insult me everyday and immoral people 助纣为虐 turn around to accuse and blame victim of crimes as mad.


K Shanmugam Sc Singapore law is lacking and unable to deal with evil immoral people ganging up to use whistle to bully a woman. A woman has no 1000 lives or even 1000 hours to report police to fight 1000 criminals. Where’s justice?

One thing is for sure evil Malaysian and local criminals have been doing defamation crimes to me hiding in rat hole smearing me slut whore mistress and evil dirty men have been using whistle to harass and insult me everyday and immoral people 助纣为虐 turn around to accuse and blame victim of crimes as mad.
And then after say the victim didn’t report police and go jump to death is stupid


Everyone with conscience knows you have been viciously attacking me hokkien virgin with annulled marriage as chicken and stinky vagina. Now just act innocent tell lies. Do crimes to me and then do manipulation say your victim is mad is so proud Cantonese dog son of prostitute way to win Pui !