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Today the tenth harassment by evil filthy Malaysian and Indian criminals


@ginmother I have created a post in twitter for you coward criminal bully evil filthy Malaysian Indian son of whore to go pretend to be my mother infront of the police. Go there and show your evil coward beast face.
@Valium ccb evil coward Malaysian you already proven beyond doubt dare not go post in front of the police. Go post and say what you said I deserved to be gangraped for having a smelly cunt infront of the police.


@ginmother I have created a post in twitter for you coward criminal bully evil filthy Malaysian Indian son of whore to go pretend to be my mother infront of the police. Go there and show your evil coward beast face.
@ginmother @Valium @sweetiepie dogs are dogs proud to abuse woman. All are proud followers of mahathir that said it’s ok to attack opponents by lies and cheating. Pui their filthy Malaysian culture abuse woman with evil filthy lies.


You fucking slut always asking your long nipple to be published KNN
Based on what you said I got long nipples? Of course nothing but your ccb Cantonese liar son of whore mother ccb mouth that said I got smelly ccb and go to rajah & tann and their staff all laughed.


Already told you not to tag me , I have no clone and I am not interested in your nipple photo in your twitter account!!
I already told you evil filthy Malaysian Indian and chinese criminal bully dogs sons of whores long time ago too that I am not and never whore.


So why are you luring me into your thread? I have no interest in your photo and your "choice of work"..
I already told you evil filthy Malaysian Indian and chinese criminal bully dogs sons of whores long time ago too that I am not and never whore.