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Today the tenth harassment by evil filthy Malaysian and Indian criminals


So why are you luring me into your thread? I have no interest in your photo and your "choice of work"..
Who is luring who with your ccb comments of “my choice of work “? What work did I do? I live a honest life my whole life. Only you evil filthy Malaysian Indian liar son of whore @glockman clone got whore mother wife daughters


I feel so honoured to be mentioned on your Twitter. Thanks dear. Have you tried that pyramid?
You are already confirmed an evil coward beast evil filthy Malaysian Indian liar son of whore that gave a lame excuse in living in jb thread for why you dare not reply to my twitter account. Listen up everyone , this dog said he is a private person don’t use twitter hahaha


Reminder that the world is looking out for your long and dark nipple :sneaky:
Btw racist evil filthy Malaysian Indian liar son of whore it’s already 16th harassment by you evil filthy Malaysian Indian criminal bullies. Why are you upping this thread instead of my latest thread on 16th harassment? So that people will think only ten harassment? So shameless fakes indeed


You @ginmother are so busy switching clones to talk to yourself. I have been wanting to find out this world that you talked about ok evil filthy Malaysian Indian liar son of whore.
@hollowman no need to keep tagging me here go post the nipples photos on my twitter. Whatever body photos of me are stolen photos taken unknowingly as I am a virgin that never take naked photos, I am not ashamed. You Malaysian and sinkie traitor dogs are the thieves that should be ashamed. Let the world know Malaysians and Indians are proud thieves and vicious criminal bullies.


@hollowman no need to keep tagging me here go post the nipples photos on my twitter. Whatever body photos of me are stolen photos taken unknowingly as I am a virgin that never take naked photos, I am not ashamed. You Malaysian and sinkie traitor dogs are the thieves that should be ashamed. Let the world know Malaysians and Indians are proud thieves and vicious criminal bullies.


KNN my uncle think he leefering to the naked photos taken by neighbour from hell while you walked around the garden in night gown and circulated from India to Iran :biggrin: KNN
Don’t pretend don’t know. My Malaysian neighbours from hell are Cantonese prostitute descendants like you and proud to be thieves. Want to boast your theft then post the photos here.


Don’t pretend don’t know. My Malaysian neighbours from hell are Cantonese prostitute descendants like you and proud to be thieves. Want to boast your theft then post the photos here.
Seriously I have never met a single good Cantonese in life. But I met many that harmed me and despite me helping them for example my ex sinkie cantonese accountant.


Seriously I have never met a single good Cantonese in life. But I met many that harmed me and despite me helping them for example my ex sinkie cantonese accountant.
Look at Cantonese dogs prostitution descendants @sweetiepie @rotiprata viciously attacking me a virgin as chicken and proudly boasting stolen photos and people should know why.


Seriously I have never met a single good Cantonese in life. But I met many that harmed me and despite me helping them for example my ex sinkie cantonese accountant.
No coincidence indeed that there are very few Cantonese philanthropist when compared to hokkiens