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Today the tenth harassment by evil filthy Malaysian and Indian criminals


Slut, I am not your mother, I am KT Latha, the HR manager who get you to clean your desk for good. Please remember this !
You racist nameless coward evil filthy Malaysian Indian criminal bully liar son of whore sure love pretending to be anything from my mother to kt latha but no matter what you pretend to be, you are a shameless fake. Remember this insulting a virgin a slut is a shameful racist Indian act.


I did not viciously attacking you.. you start calling me name after you lost argument on your financial situation. My thread topic is always on Spore issue and you are lying indiscriminately because I am never interested talking anything about Malaysia and Indian.
You are the liar criminal bully son of whore that act innocent after doing evil. Of course you deny to be Malaysian and Indian. So who are you and why are you viciously attacking me?