• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

I am on Twitter in my real name


And as usual @AhMeng love telling lies when I already replied this earlier in the other thread:

Hey coward bully dog if I announce here how I prove that you thieves slanderers are smearing me behind? As a matter of fact I already have few hundred views without any follower. I am going to see how many more views. Don’t pretend innocent so disgusting sinkie dog. Pui!
Pu your toa bye lah KNN


And as usual @AhMeng love telling lies when I already replied this earlier in the other thread:

Hey coward bully dog if I announce here how I prove that you thieves slanderers are smearing me behind? As a matter of fact I already have few hundred views without any follower. I am going to see how many more views. Don’t pretend innocent so disgusting sinkie dog. Pui!
Almost 800 views to be exact for my post on kt latha when I have zero followers - and lost count of how many whistles from cheap and dirty men. And yet these coward bully doggies here are pretending like real not to know my name. Pui their mother wife daughters phua cb indeed!


So many pretentious coward bully doggies pretending not to know my name. Pui!
And as usual @AhMeng love telling lies when I already replied this earlier in the other thread:

Hey coward bully dog if I announce here how I prove that you thieves slanderers are smearing me behind? As a matter of fact I already have few hundred views without any follower. I am going to see how many more views. Don’t pretend innocent so disgusting sinkie dog. Pui!
hello? i don't even know what you talking about. you got the wrong ah meng. haha


hello? i don't even know what you talking about. you got the wrong ah meng. haha
No need to make so many posts to harass me here. Just go twitter and make one post if not means you are PROVEN a coward bully Malaysian tortoise dog rat snake son of slut smelly phua cb.


No need to make so many posts to harass me here. Just go twitter and make one post if not means you are PROVEN a coward bully Malaysian tortoise dog rat snake son of slut smelly phua cb.
how to harass you when i don't even know who you are?


Almost 800 views to be exact for my post on kt latha when I have zero followers - and lost count of how many whistles from cheap and dirty men. And yet these coward bully doggies here are pretending like real not to know my name. Pui their mother wife daughters phua cb indeed!

Coward doggies love to tell lies and pretending innocent and that’s why they accused me what they are themselves.



Hammer your pecking cb mouth


i seriously don't know you. Haven't read much of your posts. you must be thinking i am the other ahmeng. haha
Aiyah you winner lah top malicious liar pretender harasser act innocent after doing evil just like those cheap and dirty men that whistled with smirk.


Aiyah you winner lah top malicious liar pretender harasser act innocent after doing evil just like those cheap and dirty men that whistled with smirk.

Cheap and dirty men that are so malicious to bully and harass me and then after that they act poor thing complain bully by their government are so disgusting indeed. Pui their mother wife daughters phua cb!