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I am on Twitter in my real name


You are a whore, dirty cunt, fucking slut. Fuck your smelly cunt.
Fucking coward Malaysian criminal bullies hiding in this rat hole calling me a virgin a whore to win because your Malaysian mother wife daughters are whores.


You mean you upload your long dark nipple photo then got stolen ? You fucking slut
Evil Coward Cantonese son of slut like you so proud to gang up with Indian slut kt latha to spam lies. I uploaded no photos of nipples. Any photos you stole go post on twitter.


me is a loyal supporter here lah... twitter is for sluts like you. :geek:

Just admit it you are a Cantonese coward criminal bully son of slut ganging up with Indian slut kt latha hiding in this rat hole to do evil and then so shameless to act poor thing bully by government.


So many pretentious coward bully doggies pretending not to know my name. Pui!

aka... mdm wong... just came back from changi after a long holiday :geek: