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Very Kind Lady 摇 her 鸡 to select committee
To leeport firecrackers for pofma thing
Siok bin meet up sun xue ling
Sun laughed at her jibye bin


Very Kind Lady is not wong hwee ling
Both have jibye bin and suck cock dream
Very Kind Lady is more tam sim
Very Kind Lady suck more 精


Very Kind Lady lu siao ah KNN leeport msian neighbour and iran india neh to sg polis and mp same rike leeport sg uncle wolf whistle to msia polis KNN san geng bang KNN
You shameless Malaysian Cantonese criminal thief slanderer harasser son of slut, as usual you are spamming lies when I did report my Malaysian neighbour etc to Malaysia police and even said the police officer was friendly until she suddenly charged face. Must have received bribes from my Malaysian chinese neighbours. And I wrote to select committee on online falsehoods is also what they requested and nothing wrong with that.


Very Kind Lady you chow itchy jibye pofma on firecrackers and wolf whistles KNN
Firecracker harassment is a true dirty act of ccb Malaysians sons of whores just like all your other dirty acts including non stop smearing of me as slut whore mistress here when I am a virgin is a fact that can withstand court and medical scrutiny.


Very Kind Lady!! Are you naked with your legs open wide???
Tsk tsk tsk you filthy coward criminal bully Malaysian son of whore are not qualified to even say my name and you think opening your ccb mouth say my name is a whore will win is such a dirty Malaysian trick indeed. Pui your whore mother wife daughters phua cb. Only filthy whore mother will raise such a filthy son indeed. Pui!