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Today the tenth harassment by evil filthy Malaysian and Indian criminals


unnamed (3).jpg

Cut off your clit!!


Are you Andrew Mark Yeo scroobal clone according to @jw5? Do use your real name to abuse woman. Of course you coward beast son of dirty whore will not do that.
@no_faith Yet another opposition supporter that is a disgrace to opposition. At least pap dog @JohnTan is a honest dog and don’t act righteous complain pap bully him while ownself happily bully others.


Stop tagging me, you twit..I have no clone and I don't want to be misled into a your filthy thread filled with hardcore porn photo of yours
Want to count on chinese to lift a finger to help fellow chinese that met criminal injustice by Indians? Dream on. Cantonese and chinese dogs @sweetiepie @Valium @ginfugly @no_faith etc would only proudly gang up with Malaysian Indian son of whore @bart12 aka @glockman and kt latha etc to trample you Song Song.


thousands and thousands of people received such calls, whatsapp and sms on a daily basis in singapore lah. you are not the only lor. you are not certainly not a special one that scammers seek to target. you complain to police they can do what? u also not cheated and suffer no financial loss.