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[Sg] - Lee Wei Ling has just died





Jialat. The Oxley house how? Jitao turned into Museum to glorify LKY like a God?


" On 2 April 2018, Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean, chairman of the four-member ministerial committee, said that the panel did not make any recommendations as no decision is required at this point, since Lee Wei Ling is still living in the house. He added that the decision will be made by the future government. The panel offered three options—to gazette and preserve 38 Oxley Road as a national monument, to demolish all but the dining room (which was a meeting area for the founding members of the People's Action Party) and convert the dining area to a viewing gallery or integrate it to a research or heritage centre, or to demolish and redevelop 38 Oxley Road completely for residential or state uses.[37] "


In the USA, Lee Wei Ling sold off her properties. including an office building, in Manhattan and left vast sums of money to the children of Hsien Yang. She left none to the offspring of Pinky.

A tiny portion, about 0.1%, of her multi-million liquid assets has been willed to local charities. So much for the hype about she caring for the underdog.

Up till her death, she blamed the Queen for causing divisions among the siblings and her other sister-in-law. Ho Jinx's actions have caused brother against brother, sister against brother and sister-in-law against sister-in-law.

The Queen was only carrying out the mandate of Old Fart a.k.a. Lee Con You to rule over Sinkieland with her husband, Pinky and to ensure that the treasury vaults of Sinkieland are under the control of Royal Familee.


It would surely have broken Old Fart's heart to learn that Ho Jinx carried out his mandate to such an extreme that his children have become so estranged from one another.

As for the evil Queen, she is very happy now that one of her arch-rivals has died. I bet she's praying very hard for the surviving one to die soon too.


Jialat. The Oxley house how? Jitao turned into Museum to glorify LKY like a God?


" On 2 April 2018, Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean, chairman of the four-member ministerial committee, said that the panel did not make any recommendations as no decision is required at this point, since Lee Wei Ling is still living in the house. He added that the decision will be made by the future government. The panel offered three options—to gazette and preserve 38 Oxley Road as a national monument, to demolish all but the dining room (which was a meeting area for the founding members of the People's Action Party) and convert the dining area to a viewing gallery or integrate it to a research or heritage centre, or to demolish and redevelop 38 Oxley Road completely for residential or state uses.[37] "

That house and the land on which it sits will be forever jinxed. Stay far away from it.


In the USA, Lee Wei Ling sold off her properties. including an office building, in Manhattan and left vast sums of money to the children of Hsien Yang. She left none to the offspring of Pinky.

A tiny portion, about 0.1%, of her multi-million liquid assets has been willed to local charities. So much for the hype about she caring for the underdog.

Up till her death, she blamed the Queen for causing divisions among the siblings and her other sister-in-law. Ho Jinx's actions have caused brother against brother, sister against brother and sister-in-law against sister-in-law.

The Queen was only carrying out the mandate of Old Fart a.k.a. Lee Con You to rule over Sinkieland with her husband, Pinky and to ensure that the treasury vaults of Sinkieland are under the control of Royal Familee.


It would surely have broken Old Fart's heart to learn that Ho Jinx carried out his mandate to such an extreme that his children have become so estranged from one another.

As for the evil Queen, she is very happy now that one of her arch-rivals has died. I bet she's praying very hard for the surviving one to die soon too.

Her turn is also drawing near....


Citizens are only powerful every 5 years if united. Iris Koh has guts to speak out. However you really need huge inheritance to fight the state machinery & pay lawyers. How many can pay lawsuits against politically laws like pofma? Sinkies just diam diam ok.
Nope. U have been brainwashed by the mainstream that u need money to fight.

If we have more Iris Koh, the govt do not have a chance at all. U need civil disobedience, u need guts, u need presevance and creativity to fight the machinary.

Irish Koh do not have money, only creativity and balls. That is enough to fight it.

People United and govt do not have a chance at all.


To: All those who say that Pinky, the Queen, MPs, etc. won't attend Lee Wei Ling's funeral

You are wrong.

Pink will attend it because he wants to avoid being seen and judged by the whole world to be petty and holding grudges against his own sibling.

He might shed a few crocodile tears and ensure that the SCM (state-controlled media) take photos or videos when that happens.

Likewise for the Queen.

Even though she hates Lee Wei Ling to the core, she will put on a very sad look on the day of the funeral and say EXTREMELY KIND AND LOVING words about her sister-in-law. She might even get some of her "dogs" from Mindef to put up some fake sentiments of hers on social media. Of course, she's only saying that just to fool Sinkies and the world. She can't be seen to be a petty person too.

During the last two weeks of Lee Wei Ling's life, how many times did the Queen visit her to console her?

P.S.: I heard from the people close to Pinky that he, subjecto to Ho Jinx's approval, might grant a special dispensation to his brother to come to Sinkieland to attend their sister's funeral. Lee Hsien Yang won't be arrested for any real or perceived or fabricated crimes.


Nope. U have been brainwashed by the mainstream that u need money to fight.

If we have more Iris Koh, the govt do not have a chance at all. U need civil disobedience, u need guts, u need presevance and creativity to fight the machinary.

Irish Koh do not have money, only creativity and balls. That is enough to fight it.

People United and govt do not have a chance at all.
Indeed we need to have more of Iris Koh. Not everyone can have the creativity of Iris Koh even though have guts.
Look at Roy Neng, Leong Sze Hian. ....etc all must be working as a team. Look at the machinery. It can put
you to jail when politically influenced.


In the USA, Lee Wei Ling sold off her properties. including an office building, in Manhattan and left vast sums of money to the children of Hsien Yang. She left none to the offspring of Pinky.

A tiny portion, about 0.1%, of her multi-million liquid assets has been willed to local charities. So much for the hype about she caring for the underdog.

Up till her death, she blamed the Queen for causing divisions among the siblings and her other sister-in-law. Ho Jinx's actions have caused brother against brother, sister against brother and sister-in-law against sister-in-law.

The Queen was only carrying out the mandate of Old Fart a.k.a. Lee Con You to rule over Sinkieland with her husband, Pinky and to ensure that the treasury vaults of Sinkieland are under the control of Royal Familee.


It would surely have broken Old Fart's heart to learn that Ho Jinx carried out his mandate to such an extreme that his children have become so estranged from one another.

As for the evil Queen, she is very happy now that one of her arch-rivals has died. I bet she's praying very hard for the surviving one to die soon too.
So she did not leave anything for the Albino? I thought she been looking after the albino ...in case he kenna tekan by pinky husband