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[Sg] - LHL mourns death of LWL, says she was his personal doctor when he kena cancer

The Crow

Hope lwl come back and haunt them.

Screenshot 2024-10-10 at 11.31.19 AM.png

... :o-o:


How did late-WL make so much $$$ to afford that Cluny Hill GCB that she eventually sold to Haitilao's co-founder for 40-50 million sgd ?

The whole FamiLEE is comprised of cons. Think Jho Low a.k.a. Low Taek Jho and his entire family of cons.

Once exposed to be the co-mastermind of looting 1MDB, Jho Low's entire family fled Malaysia.

How much assets does she have at time of death,..who are the Beneficiaries,..Did she have a Will or a Trust ?

One thing we are certain of is that Lee Wei Ling sold off an entire office block in Manhattan about two to three years after the death of Old Fart a.k.a. Lee Con You.

Even if she were a multi-billionaire in US dollars' terms, could she bring along her vast fortune to the afterlife to enjoy?


Even if she were a multi-billionaire in US dollars' terms, could she bring along her vast fortune to the afterlife to enjoy?
Oh Dr Wailing, i thought you are dead?

That does not mean people cannot strive to go for millionaire or billionaire status. The problem with people acquiring money is that they do not go with moral and integrity. If you can go for moral and integrity coupled with self-motivation and self-improvement, why not?