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[Sg] - Lee Wei Ling has just died


After the pondan stepped off the stage, the fissures and cracks have been relentless - SQ, AssMRT, Iswaran, Goh jr, now this. No wonder they dare not hold the fucking elections this year. And @JohnTan has been silent throughout these calamities. Are you doing your bit of charity by catering free food for the wake?


You're right. Many posters here deem Muslim lives unworthy - whether they're terrorists or women or children or babies. To them a good Muslim is a dead Muslim.

OTOH, they value AMDK and Jewish lives more - no matter what atrocities they commit, be it terrorism or genocide, they're always right, their lives are precious.

Very twisted values. Racist stereotypes still persist in the 21st century.
The funny thing is most of these same commentators or their familees were also whacked by these same genocidal whites.


All the citizens in Sg are powerful if they speak up. Look at Iris Koh.. Have some balls and u will be powerful.
Citizens are only powerful every 5 years if united. Iris Koh has guts to speak out. However you really need huge inheritance to fight the state machinery & pay lawyers. How many can pay lawsuits against politically laws like pofma? Sinkies just diam diam ok.


Alfrescian (Inf)
After the pondan stepped off the stage, the fissures and cracks have been relentless - SQ, AssMRT, Iswaran, Goh jr, now this. No wonder they dare not hold the fucking elections this year. And @JohnTan has been silent throughout these calamities. Are you doing your bit of charity by catering free food for the wake?

And that's why he stepped aside. That guitar-playing chump is the perfect fall guy when the shit hits the fan. :cool: