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Man in army uniform allegedly lets his elderly dad carry his backpack for him: 'Laughable and ironic'

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Benji Tan
Posted on 06 August 2024 11:13 am | 706 views | 5 commentsSubmitted by Stomper J
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Not again?
A Singapore Army serviceman was caught on camera allegedly letting his elderly father carry his backpack for him in Bukit Panjang.
Stomper J shared a photo of the man wearing camouflage walking in front of an elderly man carrying a black backpack and a yellow plastic bag in a Housing Board estate on July 29.
"Ever since circuit-breaker restrictions were lifted in Singapore, I've been seeing this man in army uniform with his father, who carries his bag," said the Stomper.

"His father picks him up from work and drives him home, where he takes his son's bag from the car boot and carries it to their unit. I've seen the father carry his son's field pack as well."
"It's honestly laughable and ironic that the son still has the nerve to continue letting his father carry the bag while he's still in his army uniform."
The Stomper believes the man is a regular as he has been wearing the uniform for more than two years. It is unclear whether he has an underlying condition affecting his ability to carry heavy loads.
"I really wonder if his father is going to help him fire his gun if Singapore goes to war," said the Stomper.
In 2011, a photo of an army recruit with his maid carrying his backpack behind him went viral and inspired a sketch on The Noose.
Following the incident, the Ministry of Defence released a statement and it said: "The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) has completed its investigation into the recent case of a serviceman who was photographed with his domestic helper carrying his field pack.
"The serviceman concerned has identified himself to his Commander. He was a recruit undergoing the Physical Training Preparatory phase prior to the Basic Military Training phase. The recruit is remorseful for his actions and realises that it was wrong for him to have allowed this. He has been counselled and continues his training.
"The SAF has reminded all servicemen to be mindful of their conduct in public."
It was even reported on BBC.
Is history repeating itself 13 years later?