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Women’s life very fragile. So many true crime stories of women living healthy life exercising on trails etc and next moment they are raped and killed


And you don’t even have the right to hate such poor fortune life. You must enjoy being poor fortune woman that strive since young only to get killed get raped get robbed get smeared get insulted by dogs and bitches.
If not such evil hypocrite dogs and bitches call you materialistic when their own cheap women are the ones that are materialistic willing to open leg big big sell nude sell cb buy Porsche with pride.


If not such evil hypocrite dogs and bitches call you materialistic when their own cheap women are the ones that are materialistic willing to open leg big big sell nude sell cb buy Porsche with pride.
Just because you are poor fortune woman cannot buy hdb must buy condo and bought the cheapest one available then, evil Cantonese dog son of chicken @NanoSpeed can twist it to chicken den open for 3D/2N stay. Hey doggie only your women cb are opened for cheap rental. Pui!


Just because you are poor fortune woman cannot buy hdb must buy condo and bought the cheapest one available then, evil Cantonese dog son of chicken @NanoSpeed can twist it to chicken den open for 3D/2N stay. Hey doggie only your women cb are opened for cheap rental. Pui!
Evil dogs jealous losers are like that condo means materialistic sell cb while hdb means not materialistic no sell cb. No brains evil dirty people are like that.


And you don’t even have the right to hate such poor fortune life. You must enjoy being poor fortune woman that strive since young only to get killed get raped get robbed get smeared get insulted by dogs and bitches.
Why so fake so hypocritical? I absolutely hate my life and won’t want my daughter to live my hard life. Thank goodness I have no children.


Why so fake so hypocritical? I absolutely hate my life and won’t want my daughter to live my hard life. Thank goodness I have no children.
To those evil hypocrite dogs like @NanoSpeed etc exchange your easy life as men with me if not means you know it you have advantages you have easy life and yet you lost out to me and so jealous loser smearing and insulting me virgin with annulled marriage as slut chicken Pui!


And you don’t even have the right to hate such poor fortune life. You must enjoy being poor fortune woman that strive since young only to get killed get raped get robbed get smeared get insulted by dogs and bitches.
Why should I love such poor fortune life? In my next life I want to be a man with no such poor fortune. Even if born in poor family also no such poor fortune to strive since young live a hard clean life only to be smeared and harassed by evil dirty people like Cantonese dog son of chicken @NanoSpeed as slut chicken.


Hey @NanoSpeed don’t be scared, afterall I grow up a happy kid despite having nothing because when you are a kid you know nothing and you don’t know what you don’t have.
For poor people it’s better to be street smart kid know early in life what you don’t have. It’s a case of suffer early or suffer later.


@NanoSpeed hey jealous loser Cantonese dog son of chicken exchange your life with me you want or not? Not from now but from young okay?
So fast clone of @NanoSpeed @meaninglesslife with latest nick @cat self admitted son of Cantonese DIRTY SLUT PROSTITUTE no money go party by open leg big big sell cb start and up chicken thread around me to harass me. Hey loser @cat when you going to swear you are not @NanoSpeed? Everyone can see I didn’t mention him only mentioning @NanoSpeed but he got upset and attacking me now means what? He is @NanoSpeed lah


So fast clone of @NanoSpeed @meaninglesslife with latest nick @cat self admitted son of Cantonese DIRTY SLUT PROSTITUTE no money go party by open leg big big sell cb start and up chicken thread around me to harass me. Hey loser @cat when you going to swear you are not @NanoSpeed? Everyone can see I didn’t mention him only mentioning @NanoSpeed but he got upset and attacking me now means what? He is @NanoSpeed lah
Everyday clone talk to each other @cat aka @NanoSpeed Cantonese dog son of chicken use clones to attack me think he is so successful Liao when his materialistic women despised and looked down on him and look for rich and generous hokkien and Teochew dao tao instead of his cheap Tao dao use married mistress for easy exit strategy hahahaha


Everyday clone talk to each other @cat aka @NanoSpeed Cantonese dog son of chicken use clones to attack me think he is so successful Liao when his materialistic women despised and looked down on him and look for rich and generous hokkien and Teochew dao tao instead of his cheap Tao dao use married mistress for easy exit strategy hahahaha
@cat everyday start and up chicken threads around me know I come in 5 plus pm to post cancer so start and up chicken thread at 5 plus pm so clever Cantonese dog son of chicken. SO SUCCESSFUL!


@cat everyday start and up chicken threads around me know I come in 5 plus pm to post cancer so start and up chicken thread at 5 plus pm so clever Cantonese dog son of chicken. SO SUCCESSFUL!
Hey @cat aka @NanoSpeed my life so good so easy exchange with me lah Knnbccb 真够贱广东狗婊子是你妈呸!
So jealous loser Cantonese dog son of chicken see people got hard earned condo only smear and harass woman as chicken non stop Knnbccb when are you @cat going to swear if I am a virgin you die a violent death ? Pui!


So jealous loser Cantonese dog son of chicken see people got hard earned condo only smear and harass woman as chicken non stop Knnbccb when are you @cat going to swear if I am a virgin you die a violent death ? Pui!
Oh ya didn’t you @cat just say you stay in condo? How come you can have condo no sell cb while other people got condo must sell cb? Why so double standard?


Oh ya didn’t you @cat just say you stay in condo? How come you can have condo no sell cb while other people got condo must sell cb? Why so double standard?
Oh because your Cantonese mother sell cb to buy condo FOR YOU that’s why you @cat no need to sell cb to buy condo.


So jealous loser Cantonese dog son of chicken see people got hard earned condo only smear and harass woman as chicken non stop Knnbccb when are you @cat going to swear if I am a virgin you die a violent death ? Pui!
Want to steal want to rob me just like Malaysian Cantonese MISTRESS thief robber bitch in Nusa Duta Pui!


Oh ya didn’t you @cat just say you stay in condo? How come you can have condo no sell cb while other people got condo must sell cb? Why so double standard?
And @cat last time your old clone said you stay in hdb and your @NanoSpeed clone so jealous of people stay in condo don’t look like you stay in condo at all. Why so low self esteem so materialistic want to fake own a condo? What is so good to stay in cheap old condo surrounded by foreigners that harassed you? You think is stay in GCB meh?