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Women’s life very fragile. So many true crime stories of women living healthy life exercising on trails etc and next moment they are raped and killed


21 year old university student go to bar for drinks with friend, after that take Uber alone with boyfriend on the phone tracking her movements also can’t protect her life. Got robbed and killed with 120 stabbed wounds because it’s a robber killer stalking her, saw she is alone and faking to be the Uber.

Will the robber killer target her if she is not alone? Of course not. So a woman can’t be alone go to exercise or work or job interview and of course drinking bar. All these true crime stories prove that life is unfair and these brilliant beautiful women just died because they were alone.


Look at the shameless parents of the robber killer protecting their son, saying he is innocent when dna and evidence all there prove that it’s correct to blame parents of producing such remorseless robber killer. The killer and parents sure exact replica of Cantonese dog son of chicken @cat aka @NanoSpeed with good Cantonese or chap Cheng grandfather teaching to judge and persecute woman virgin as slut chicken then act innocent walk away enjoy life.
After watching all these true crime stories, one striking common trait of these predator rapist robber killers like Cantonese dog son of chicken @cat aka @NanoSpeed is: they are always remorseless in court. Killing is in their dna and poor upbringing. Some people should not be parents.


21 year old university student go to bar for drinks with friend, after that take Uber alone with boyfriend on the phone tracking her movements also can’t protect her life. Got robbed and killed with 120 stabbed wounds because it’s a robber killer stalking her, saw she is alone and faking to be the Uber.

The fake Uber robber killer was a predator stalking and cycling on the road for 25 minutes looking for target. Just like my neighbors Hongkie Cantonese et stalking and harassing me wanting me dead are remorseless predators.


The fake Uber robber killer was a predator stalking and cycling on the road for 25 minutes looking for target. Just like my neighbors Hongkie Cantonese et stalking and harassing me wanting me dead are remorseless predators.
And of course just like @cat aka @NanoSpeed Cantonese dog son of chicken stalking me and defaming and harassing me non stop for years with the intention to destroy me. Zero remorse Cantonese dog son of chicken. Thank goodness heaven is always on my side when it comes to the crunch. Pui!


Will the robber killer target her if she is not alone? Of course not. So a woman can’t be alone go to exercise or work or job interview and of course drinking bar. All these true crime stories prove that life is unfair and these brilliant beautiful women just died because they were alone.
A woman can’t afford to make a single mistake in life like taking the wrong Uber. That’s how cruel life is.


Look at the shameless parents of the robber killer protecting their son, saying he is innocent when dna and evidence all there prove that it’s correct to blame parents of producing such remorseless robber killer. The killer and parents sure exact replica of Cantonese dog son of chicken @cat aka @NanoSpeed with good Cantonese or chap Cheng grandfather teaching to judge and persecute woman virgin as slut chicken then act innocent walk away enjoy life.
So it’s perfectly right to say @cat aka @NanoSpeed SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT Cantonese chicken mother open leg big big gave birth no teach raised bastard hide in rat hole smear and persecute hokkien virgin with annulled marriage as slut chicken while dare not swear dare not take up virginity test challenge Pui!


After watching all these true crime stories, one striking common trait of these predator rapist robber killers like Cantonese dog son of chicken @cat aka @NanoSpeed is: they are always remorseless in court. Killing is in their dna and poor upbringing. Some people should not be parents.
That’s why some people no philanthropist no tycoon because full of lazy idlers like @cat aka @NanoSpeed that take salary don’t do work spent time posting chicken slut threads using company time to bully woman as long as not their own precious family women. Pui!


After watching all these true crime stories, one striking common trait of these predator rapist robber killers like Cantonese dog son of chicken @cat aka @NanoSpeed is: they are always remorseless in court. Killing is in their dna and poor upbringing. Some people should not be parents.
All these true crime stories are so real not like movies or dramas so fake always got hero always got justice when the world is full of proud villains with zero remorse rapists robbers murderers like @cat aka @NanoSpeed Cantonese dogs sons of chickens etc .


I start a thread stating true crime stories of how fragile women’s life are also kena harassed by hakka dog son of chicken @k1976 and clone. Knnbccb Pui!
Will this charbo becum Agent G 2.0?
Tsk tsk tsk you Hakka dog son of chicken are so shameless and despicable repeating lies to defame me when heaven already slapped you with Agent C insurance agent busted selling cb. Need me to up the thread again? Pui!


Tsk tsk tsk you Hakka dog son of chicken are so shameless and despicable repeating lies to defame me when heaven already slapped you with Agent C insurance agent busted selling cb. Need me to up the thread again? Pui!
You @k1976 aka @jsctan can go harass AGENT C your own kind that sell cb whether she was raped and that’s why sell cb Knnbccb Pui!


Will the robber killer target her if she is not alone? Of course not. So a woman can’t be alone go to exercise or work or job interview and of course drinking bar. All these true crime stories prove that life is unfair and these brilliant beautiful women just died because they were alone.
Is this not a FACT?


Will the robber killer target her if she is not alone? Of course not. So a woman can’t be alone go to exercise or work or job interview and of course drinking bar. All these true crime stories prove that life is unfair and these brilliant beautiful women just died because they were alone.
In fact women are killed not just by strangers but husband ex husband boyfriend ex boyfriend in these true crime stories.