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who used to cheong these retro discos


1m monthly?? :geek: that's crazy lah... maybe 100k monthly more like it.

that time in the 90s pacific plaza just opened, takashimaya also, i know someone working in the basement foodcourt at one of the small stalls selling hokkien mee, he say mthly rent 50k, the biggest stall selling chap chye perng paying 250k rent but making big money coz the crowd is fantastic

sounds crazy but anyway is based on heresay one hor, but can easily verify bssed on todays mkt psf rate, knn if 250k rent must sell how many plates of rice per day to breakeven, possible not? lol


that time in the 90s pacific plaza just opened, takashimaya also, i know someone working in the basement foodcourt at one of the small stalls selling hokkien mee, he say mthly rent 50k, the biggest stall selling chap chye perng paying 250k rent but making big money coz the crowd is fantastic
:eek: maybe you're right, but I still think it's crazy. no wonder the gahmen obsessed with rent seeking...

Black Swan

Not sure name of disco but my colleague investigated a murder case there. Likely in 1991.

I think somebody jump Q and the bouncers whack him to death! Dennis Foo took over management from Phoenix Hotel after this violent incident and renamed the place "97", canto disco.