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who used to cheong these retro discos

Black Swan

I think 97 moved to Cairnhill Place thereafter. Lots of incidents involving the police. Even more went unreported.

Dont remember Cairnhill Place but I remember I went to the "97" at International Building, next to the Thai embassy. It was in the basement too. Entrance at the side of the building.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I knew someone from NS who chiong'ed Blue Heaven everytime after booking out.



correct! haha his penthouse office at forum galleria same as rumours, he likes to drive around in a white convertible rolls with a bunch of models
yeah! what happened to him in the end ah? heard something about fraud or somesuch...

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
yeah! what happened to him in the end ah? heard something about fraud or somesuch...
He was a conman plain and simple
He fucked the banks and his business partners over and some heads rolled at the Govt agencies that fawned over him.
There was a book about him Khameleon : the Elyamani Khamis story

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Nana was good.
But i prefer sabai sabai.
Good liveband
I remembered there was another ktv next door.
You must be one of the after hours crowd that came with the bands and crew of the other siamdius.
Geographer shifted to Clarke Quay where a murder happened and ICON shifted to a few locations. Wondered why sebai sebai never moved operations elsewhere.