Chee's type of leadership in opposition is so sorely lacking until he emerges some 15 years ago.
Chee is not a Godsend he is a policy-less joker. He makes a mockery out of a political party.
Chee's type of leadership in opposition is so sorely lacking until he emerges some 15 years ago.
Chee is not a Godsend he is a policy-less joker. He makes a mockery out of a political party.
Chee is a genius sent by GOD for a special mission to Singapore.
NOPE. Chee is totally not what a want to be politician is. He should hand over the party ot proper leaders
Chee is simply a brilliant opposition politician with all the guts you can find in the world to take on mighty PAP.
But with no solution for after wards. He is also famed for leading the SDP from at least 3 seats in parliament to none, and being in charge of the only party in SG to have the largest fall in votes.
That really tell you how seriously PAP is taking Chee as a political opponent to have taken all the trouble to gerrymandering, issue threats, spead lies and write all sorts of slanting articles in order to discredit and character assassinate Chee etc, to the extent the majority of voters were cowed into casting their votes to PAP. That's how SDP lost its three seats.
But Chee is that legendary come back kid to fight back valiantly against that political juggernaut - PAP.
That really tell you how seriously PAP is taking Chee as a political opponent to have taken all the trouble to gerrymandering, issue threats, spead lies and write all sorts of slanting articles in order to discredit and character assassinate Chee etc, to the extent the majority of voters were cowed into casting their votes to PAP. That's how SDP lost its three seats.
But Chee is that legendary come back kid to fight back valiantly against that political juggernaut - PAP.
Please look at the plankton in your onw eye. Do not say the failures of the SDP are all because of the PAP. You must have been bad a GP to argue this way. Chiam lead the party to success, Chee destroyed it.
It shows Chiam doesn't know how to manage success. That's why the entire CEC of SDP threw him out of the party because he is a useless leader. But with the help of LKY's kangaroo courts, Chiam was able to continue as MP while the same kangaroo courts put the Anson MP JBJ "through a series of mistrials for offences that he did not commit". That's the nature of the PAP fascist regime that controls everything, including the electoral process, the judiciary, the police and the civil service as well as the mainstream media.
As I said, do not think all the failures of the SDP is due the PAP. Chee kicked Chima out because he wanted to have a personal fight with Lee. Not other political party has lost so many seats before. SDP is a big joke unless it is given to proper leaders who form proper policies to attract supporters and votes
Even Chiam admitted at a court hearing that Chee did not oust him. The judge observed that Chiam brought it upon himself his removal by the entire CEC of SDP.
If Chiam is such a visionary leader, why is he not able to get more candidates elected as MPs from his SPP?? Why did NSP leave SDA that Chiam leads?? Why are a few prominent leaders of SPP openly critical of Chiam's leadership??
Chiam would have been history if not for LKY's kangaroo judiciary interfering with a disciplinary matter of a political party, the SDP.
NOPE. Chee is totally not what a want to be politician is. He should hand over the party ot proper leaders
Even Chiam admitted at a court hearing that Chee did not oust him. The judge observed that Chiam brought it upon himself his removal by the entire CEC of SDP.
If Chiam is such a visionary leader, why is he not able to get more candidates elected as MPs from his SPP?? Why did NSP leave SDA that Chiam leads?? Why are a few prominent leaders of SPP openly critical of Chiam's leadership??
Chiam would have been history if not for LKY's kangaroo judiciary interfering with a disciplinary matter of a political party, the SDP.
what do u mean "proper leaders"? his sis? that attention grappling lawyer or maybe uncleyap himself?
there is no leaders beside chee. there are only loyal followers and media seekers![]()
Chee is bent on destroying PAP but has no vision on policies--economic, defence, foreign, domestic.
Neither, I believe, had Gandhi or Mandela
Chee may have one role in Sinkie history, and that, to bring down LKY. But it will be sufficient.. let others do the rest.
Chee is no where near Gandhi and Mandela. Those had vision and supporters. Chee only likes to air the dirty linen on others as if he is so clean himself. If the leadership is brought down, ID NOT WANT CHEE AS PM.