Examples??? U say some aspects but do not point out any.
Using your logic i guess it is impossible to compare any country unless they are similar in size. Hence we cannot compare brazil with say Greenland for example.
As usual excuses, every single country has their economic, political, social climate to handle, what makes shitland so special that it can be excused for achieveing so little?? Take note kelingland has been trumpeting blowing their own horn as to being the next asian power even beating china. Yet the standard of living is dismissal even compared to an insignificant country like sg.
Btw u remind me of the ppl whom always complain of racism in sg, the funny thing was they were just like you. they always said sg was damn racist and yet there were no examples. I always had to press them to give examples. Just like in your case, u have not given any example on how shitland gives better opportunities in other respects other than life, in your own words.
Back to the racist thing in sg. I always had to press them to give examples and i knew why they didn't want to give those examples in the 1st instance. I am sure they knew the reason too.

It was always some small insignificant matter, like how an auntie talks down to this keling or how the police mistook him for being a banagala worker. YES Ground breaking BIG BIG racial injustice.