• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Views on Tonychat - Spamming or Not


This whole damn thing is very simple. if you dun like the post just hit the ignore button. talk so much crap about freedom of speech lah, right lah privilege lah.

In actual fact, it comes down to you bunch of sinkie balless losers here who dun even dare to go out and fight for your rights and has to depend on some unknown forum to hide behind and push your rights as though it would work.

After some disturbance or see something you dun like, all sinkie shit let loose here.

Why dun you bunch go and create another vbulletin forum and kill yourself there? need to spend money har, need to work har, need effort har.

Why dun just say that you are lazy and want to take the easy way out and best of all sinkie's excuse: no need to spend money and pay for it.

CB Kia Tonychat, you are a pimp living off your whore ladyboy wife's earnings and an ex-convict for fraud, and u still have the cheek to scold Sinkies. Don't make us lose face in Thailand la! lol :oIo:


i am so touched that this thread is dedicated to me. I didn't know i am so well-known and popular here.

u r deluded......u r not well known nor popular.....in fact, u r notorious.....fucking loser.

so u manged to sell away ur cheap tag heuer watch already? dun be surprise how come i know u wanted to sell this watch in a watch forum.....

Darth Vader

Ignore button is useful for anyone here.

The OA doesn't need to use the ignore button over a thai loser pimp like you.

I find your lack of faith disturbing. It would be unfortunate if I had to leave a garrison here.

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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

I am typing this slowly because I suspect you cannot read fast.

What i am most interested in is results. The fact remains: After you and your entourage were moderated by Scroobal, this forum became a better place, more good threads, far less disruption, overall reduction in flaming, and a couple of forummers came out of woodwork and made some excellent contributions, etc.

For me the tipping point was when I read a post from one member of your entourage saying he would soil the place if you and your gang were not given full rights of speech. That is absurd. Freedom of speech is a privlege in a forum, not an indiscriminate entitlement to do as you wish regardless of consequences.

leetahbar is the only nic i use and has no clones but my pet snake has plenty. if u can believe all the craps from SDP, my simple revelation would be easier to believe.

why do i need so many nics? only those my pet snake needs to resort to such loser antic.:cool:

Ah Guan

I chose Tony because I noticed that he is a frequent poster from the statistics averaging over 7 per posts per day and 99% had same message. I also know Tony from the early days and he was pretty much a loner having bonded with only on other forummer Kassim Salleh.

Actually he is just emulating his best friend aka Lord of Lesbians aka forum weirdo Kassim Salleh.

Soon after this forum started KS vowed not to participate in it, then Tony declared war on us like a neglected child :rolleyes:

Difference is KS is actually funny.....


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
i thought this thread is suppose to be about me. Why the hell does it evolve to another piece of shit? Maybe i should stop posting here.. byeee......


I would never have thought such a thread would solicit so many posts, so obviously I am glad I chanced upon it.

Firstly, I would say that Leongsam has immense wisdom but the interesting part about him is that he is able to mix sarcasm, wit, candor, humor, logic, reasoning, parable, acerbity into his wisdom.

So, I always enjoy what he has to say but I do not actively seek his posts out. I am a fan but not fanatic.

Alright, enough of the sucking up. So, here is the crunch stuff.

For Scroobal, I would like to see him having a political dialogue with Thinkall
For Tony Chat, I would like to see him get into a chatroom with Kassem Saleh
For Leongsam, I would like to see him having a cordial discussion with Robox about gay rights.


NB: I am so unSinkiefied that I turned into a float.


u r deluded......u r not well known nor popular.....in fact, u r notorious.....fucking loser.

so u manged to sell away ur cheap tag heuer watch already? dun be surprise how come i know u wanted to sell this watch in a watch forum.....

That CB kia tonychat so charmm huh.. need to sell his cheap tag heuer watch..

better warn others not to buy from him.. it must be a fake:biggrin:


i thought this thread is suppose to be about me. Why the hell does it evolve to another piece of shit? Maybe i should stop posting here.. byeee......

oh dear......running away now? afraid that someone out there might have your contact number when u sold away your cheap tag heuer watch? haha.


i thought this thread is suppose to be about me. Why the hell does it evolve to another piece of shit? Maybe i should stop posting here.. byeee......

CB kia tonychat,

by using the term 'another piece of shit', do you know that you are in fact refering yourself as that '1st piece of shit'...:biggrin:

KNNB, you even hate yourself to this extent:eek:


CB kia tonychat,

by using the term 'another piece of shit', do you know that you are in fact refering yourself as that '1st piece of shit'...:biggrin:

KNNB, you even hate yourself to this extent:eek:

u r right indeed....tonychat the loser already know he is just a piece of SHIT.....hahaha.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I would never have thought such a thread would solicit so many posts, so obviously I am glad I chanced upon it.

Firstly, I would say that Leongsam has immense wisdom but the interesting part about him is that he is able to mix sarcasm, wit, candor, humor, logic, reasoning, parable, acerbity into his wisdom.

So, I always enjoy what he has to say but I do not actively seek his posts out. I am a fan but not fanatic.

Alright, enough of the sucking up. So, here is the crunch stuff.

For Scroobal, I would like to see him having a political dialogue with Thinkall
For Tony Chat, I would like to see him get into a chatroom with Kassem Saleh
For Leongsam, I would like to see him having a cordial discussion with Robox about gay rights.


NB: I am so unSinkiefied that I turned into a float.

You sound like a man of peace and harmony. Very nice. I never expect that people here will pay tribute to me. I am indeed honored. I agree that you are unsinkified.


You sound like a man of peace and harmony. Very nice. I never expect that people here will pay tribute to me. I am indeed honored. I agree that you are unsinkified.

CB Kia Tonychat, we understand from SIFU that u were once convicted of fraud in Sinkapore. Don't worry, there's a yellow ribbon project targetd at ex-convicts like u. Heck... even Prata Man is willing to take u back!

Welcome to the
Yellow Ribbon Project
"The Yellow Ribbon Project seeks to engage the community in giving ex-offenders a second chance at life and to inspire a ripple effect of concerted community action to support ex-offenders and their families."


“Although they have made a mistake in life, they deserve a second chance. We all make mistakes, we all come out the better for it.”

President of the Republic of Singapore, S R Nathan


You sound like a man of peace and harmony. Very nice. I never expect that people here will pay tribute to me. I am indeed honored. I agree that you are unsinkified.

wau lan ooi CB kia tonychat,

Where the fuck is that 'tribute' for u:confused:

read properly can or not:cool:

damn stupid.. that 'tribute' is for leongsam lah dumbo... that guy just ask you go away to chat with some mat.. like that is 'tribute'?? Once again you have shown your lousy ang mor standards..:biggrin:


Just like hypnosis, if one hears "you have no balls, you have no balls..." every day, he will wonder one day his may lost his balls.

Why not to say: "you have four balls, your have four balls.." every day?

(This is the place to 'lah kopi', every one of us should be allowed to talk freely. IMO, don't repeat the phrase every time every day, people might think you are siao)


You sound like a man of peace and harmony. Very nice. I never expect that people here will pay tribute to me. I am indeed honored. I agree that you are unsinkified.

moron....tribute is not for u.....u fucking idiot.

Wang Ye

Tonychat post close to 8 posts a day and 99% of the time its same comment - about "balless Sinkies" and its variations. The comment itself is not relevant but its the repetitiveness. The same will apply if every post contains "I love Singapore".

Forummers, any thoughts, view, recommendations etc.

What do you expect? He is not the happy person that he claims himself to be happily living an unsinkified life in Thailand. Now if he were that happy why the heck he needs to come in here daily to tell us how happy he is?

In fact, the more complains he reads the happier he becomes as it affirms his decision to go away. Sad really.


wau lan ooi CB kia tonychat,

Where the fuck is that 'tribute' for u:confused:

read properly can or not:cool:

damn stupid.. that 'tribute' is for leongsam lah dumbo... that guy just ask you go away to chat with some mat.. like that is 'tribute'?? Once again you have shown your lousy ang mor standards..:biggrin:

Tonychat, there is a 'special' school for a 'special' u! Within 2 years, u shud be able to write your own name!

Rotary Special School for Mentally Retarded

The Rotary Special School started as a challenge to provide some education to the otherwise neglected mentally retarded children of the Kanhangad area.

Kanhangad is a small place in the District Of Kasaragod. Although the place has some elementary and high schools, there were no schools to meet the educational needs of mentally handicapped children. The majority population in Kanhangad falls under low-income earners or medium income earners. The literacy level is also on the lower side and hence most parents are ignorant of the problems faced by their child.

A mentally handicapped child is thus considered more of a burden in many households. When the land was donated to the Rotary Club, they decided to use it for a good cause and decided to have a school for the mentally retarded children.

Over the years, the institution has grown from strength to strength and as on date, it is one of the most reputed special schools in this region. The school is currently having strength of 65 children with eleven teaching staff and four non-teaching staff. Children attending the school are mostly from economically backward families.

Many were not getting adequate attention to their problems from the family because of the ignorance of the parents. They are usually mild to severe affected children. However, the children show remarkable improvement in all aspects after started attending the school.


Happy new year to all...

1st workday of 2010 so i will try to refrain from cursing and swearing too much lah..

anyway that tonychat is still a sporean (he dun dare to give up red passport, and thailand dun accept him as citizen cos he no talent)..

he now resides in bangkok, living off his prostitute ladyboy gf (or maybe already married liao, i am not sure).. he used to have a ah pui spore girlfren but he was jilted.. thus he has a deep hatred for sporeans, especially spore gals..

he doesn't have much education (this i deduced from the low standard of post that he posted)..

he was once convicted of somekind of fraud in spore...

thats all i know..:biggrin:

this idiot tonychat sound like cheapjustice back in sam delphi forum.....run road to china and depend on a china gal for a living.