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Views on Tonychat - Spamming or Not


Sakon Shima

You are all wasting your time with this attention whore. The OA will kick his ass on a regular basis no doubt. :biggrin:


u r deluded......u r not well known nor popular.....in fact, u r notorious.....fucking loser.

so u manged to sell away ur cheap tag heuer watch already? dun be surprise how come i know u wanted to sell this watch in a watch forum.....

up your points for revealing the pathetic truth of this CB kia tonychat...:biggrin:

KNN really cannot make it lah him.. after selling his ladyboy wife's fake chee bye, he must resort to selling fake watches..:biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
up your points for revealing the pathetic truth of this CB kia tonychat...:biggrin:

KNN really cannot make it lah him.. after selling his ladyboy wife's fake chee bye, he must resort to selling fake watches..:biggrin:

Can share with us why tony the loser go with an ah kua rather than a real thai girl?

U mean even real thai gal too good for him?

Who knows maybe he also hates all females since his is a ladyboy.


up your points for revealing the pathetic truth of this CB kia tonychat...:biggrin:

KNN really cannot make it lah him.. after selling his ladyboy wife's fake chee bye, he must resort to selling fake watches..:biggrin:

the idiotic tony chat use the same fucking nick in a watch forum....putting his cheap tag heuer for sales.....haha.

guess life must be difficult for him.....thus, need to sell his cheapo watch for a living.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
the idiotic tony chat use the same fucking nick in a watch forum....putting his cheap tag heuer for sales.....haha.

guess life must be difficult for him.....thus, need to sell his cheapo watch for a living.

Did the loser also advise people in the forum to "unsinkified" themselves? :confused:

Lord Imperious

SInkies love to give an education and advices to people who didn't seek for it in the first place. I dunno why, maybe in real life nobody give a shit about them but come here to show their "wisdom", which in fact is ignorance.

Sounds familiar...Wait you talking about yourself again! :biggrin: