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Views on Tonychat - Spamming or Not


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Leetahbar deserved all that he got. The man is a nutcase, and has, since his appearance been championing stories about his personal life/sexual life to being a political crusader.

He is not "for" or "against" anything and neither is about "adding value" to discussions, but rather all about himself.

And when he started posting his sexual adventures in the old SBF, something had to be done to neuter that sick old bastard.

His latest reincarnation as anti-SDP does not make him any more convincing, especially when he uses his VERY obvious clones to spin his web of deception.

Sammyboy.com was founded on the concept of free speech. EVERYBODY has an agenda or two which will dominate their prose. It's kind of sad to see attempts being made to silence certain quarters.

Even Leetahbar seems to have disappeared as a result of the censorship imposed upon him. All he did was express his opinions. The spammers were the ones who responded to his posts with the same old extreme vulgarities and graphic images. The man himself didn't do anything inherently wrong.:confused: He criticised the SDP which he has every right to do.

In Delphi, we had messages that were repeated over and over on a daily basis... "NS is killing Singapore"... "I'm Benny and I have AIDS"... "Junk it and get yourself a proper computer".. etc etc.

Tonychat is fine. He's simply saying what most people already know.


An interesting nut-case, this Tony chap.

He will tell people "got balls go and protest" while hiding behind an internet moniker I am pretty sure is nothing close to his real name.

Then he will go around accusing people of displaying what he terms "sinkee behaviour", not knowing the same can be said of him.

There was one nick SIFU I recall who posted some comments about his thailand escapades and a girlfriend that housed him. Probably a chap who knew him in real life and decided to spill the beans on him here. I hope that SIFU character comes in and tells us more.....

Happy new year to all...

1st workday of 2010 so i will try to refrain from cursing and swearing too much lah..

anyway that tonychat is still a sporean (he dun dare to give up red passport, and thailand dun accept him as citizen cos he no talent)..

he now resides in bangkok, living off his prostitute ladyboy gf (or maybe already married liao, i am not sure).. he used to have a ah pui spore girlfren but he was jilted.. thus he has a deep hatred for sporeans, especially spore gals..

he doesn't have much education (this i deduced from the low standard of post that he posted)..

he was once convicted of somekind of fraud in spore...

thats all i know..:biggrin:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Ohh.. so nice that everyone is talking about me here. Why, still didn't banned me? Go ahead and banned me forever lah. I dun give a shit.

The quote from someone unsinkified here:
The problem with many here is that while they are liberal in dishing out insults, they can't seem to take a taste of their own medicine.

If they travel much, especially around the region, and if they successfully made any real friends from around the region, their opinion about sinkies is not positive at all. (I dun think the sinkies can take that personally as well.)

I have to put in some effort to make them realise that i am not one of those sinkie losers if i tell them where i am initially from. But i do understand how they feel.

This extra effort made to clarified myself in front of my foreign friends is due to the fact that i was born in a land of low quality polluting behavior that has been cultured out from your sinkie govt (same one for the last 40 odd years).


I think the point they want to make is that you have been complaining about how "balless" how "sinkified" the people here are without any personal experiences or justification. This makes it repetitive and is being viewed as a spam for many forummners here. Do note, your statement about meeting other people in the region and their opinion about sinkies is a good starting point to the type of discussion that most people would like to hear about. But again you fall short of sharing what it means, in what ways were their opinion about sinkies bad, not positive. Perhaps you can start some "threads" about your experiences in Thailand or the region on how others view Singaporean, and why these "sinkies" behavior irks you so much.

Ohh.. so nice that everyone is talking about me here. Why, still didn't banned me? Go ahead and banned me forever lah. I dun give a shit.

The quote from someone unsinkified here:

If they travel much, especially around the region, and if they successfully made any real friends from around the region, their opinion about sinkies is not positive at all. (I dun think the sinkies can take that personally as well.)

I have to put in some effort to make them realise that i am not one of those sinkie losers if i tell them where i am initially from. But i do understand how they feel.

This extra effort made to clarified myself in front of my foreign friends is due to the fact that i was born in a land of low quality polluting behavior that has been cultured out from your sinkie govt (same one for the last 40 odd years).


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I think the point they want to make is that you have been complaining about how "balless" how "sinkified" the people here are without any personal experiences or justification. This makes it repetitive and is being viewed as a spam for many forummners here. Do note, your statement about meeting other people in the region and their opinion about sinkies is a good starting point to the type of discussion that most people would like to hear about. But again you fall short of sharing what it means, in what ways were their opinion about sinkies bad, not positive. Perhaps you can start some "threads" about your experiences in Thailand or the region on how others view Singaporean, and why these "sinkies" behavior irks you so much.

Oh the unsinkified Ash... How nice to see you here.

hehe.. i dun think sinkies deserve such knowledge. and i do not wish to post my experience here. i am pretty fussy with who i wanna share my experience and knowledge with (Sinkies). But i am very generous to my foreign friends and their countries.

If i am in good mood, then i might share or else i do not see the need for it. If they want anything valuable from me, they have to earn it. Just like those PAP ball lickers spending their own life trying to gain favor and advantage from their Lord Emperor.
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High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Jew Sam, you had and will always take sides! And:oIo:
I welcome all posts including yours. Some people post constructive messages. Others post destructive hate. Both sides are welcome. Neither end of the spectrum has more rights than the other.

Tell me which other forum host will welcome nicks like fuck[forumhost].:p


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
oh and yes, if you want to know me better. the tip is: I do not have the habit to be nice to sinkies.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Anyway this is for Ash and all unsinkified people here:

This is a quote written by my Thai fren who teaches english in one of the top uni in Bangkok. From the way she speaks and write you will know that she is of one of the top quality behavior. A very beautiful human being in terms of human behavior and character, smart too. Take note of her English as well.

She is writing this to all her friends for the new year:

This poem came back to me on the evening of the first day of 2010. It was one of the poems we read in the undergrad class (i shudder to say 9 years ago) and somehow the last two lines have stuck with me ever since, the fact for which i am very grateful especially in a moment like this.

I've made it a point not to be too congratulatory on new year because, like so many festivals (except for Festivus), it's totally pointless to celebrate. But new year has its special allure. You almost believe that the battalion of shitty things that have happened in the past 12 months would at least respect the calendar and finally leave you. Of course, most of the time they won't. Anyway, my original plan is to encourage optimism so here it is:

Philip Larkin

The trees are coming into leaf
Like something almost being said;
The recent buds relax and spread,
Their greenness is a kind of grief.

Is it that they are born again
And we grow old? No, they die too,
Their yearly trick of looking new
Is written down in rings of grain.

Yet still the unresting castles thresh
In fullgrown thickness every May.
Last year is dead, they seem to say,
Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.

For everyone who wants to shed bad leaves behind, i wish you a fresh start in 2010 :o)
With love,


Alfrescian (Inf)
he now resides in bangkok, living off his prostitute ladyboy gf (or maybe already married liao, i am not sure).. he used to have a ah pui spore girlfren but he was jilted.. thus he has a deep hatred for sporeans, especially spore gals..

Whahahahaa....... so funny!!!!

tonychat just hates Singkies, he needs his daily dosage of bashing Sinkies, if not he cant get erections :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

with or without him makes no diffs lah :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Anyway this is for Ash and all unsinkified people here:

This is a quote written by my Thai fren who teaches english in one of the top uni in Bangkok. From the way she speaks and write you will know that she is of one of the top quality behavior. A very beautiful human being in terms of human behavior and character, smart too. Take note of her English as well.

She is writing this to all her friends for the new year:

Who give a shit about what your Thai ladyboy wrote, this thread s about YOU :p:p:p:p


Alfrescian (Inf)
Actually there are others worse than TonyChat... (like singaporethief etc)

I thought Sammyboy's comments very candid : I didn't start kopitiam for meaningful discussion other than to divert irrelevant stuff from sex site. ha ha

Still, I do appreciate what Scroo has done since taking on thankless moderator job... keep it up bro !


Tonychat post close to 8 posts a day and 99% of the time its same comment - about "balless Sinkies" and its variations. The comment itself is not relevant but its the repetitiveness. The same will apply if every post contains "I love Singapore".

Forummers, any thoughts, view, recommendations etc.

ya tony shouldn't said balless sinkies cause sinkies already = balless, should just said sinkies, as by default sinkies are balless. so balless = sinkies, balless singaporean = sinkies, balless sinkies = balless balless singaporean...


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
He is not "for" or "against" anything and neither is about "adding value" to discussions, but rather all about himself.

Members here are not required to "add value" to the forum. It has never been a prerequisite.

This forum exists so that people can let off the sort of steam that is not allowed elsewhere by thin skinned hosts.

If narcissistic characters want to shine the spotlight on themselves, what's wrong with that? It's not a crime in my books.:rolleyes:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
ya tony shouldn't said balless sinkies cause sinkies already = balless, should just said sinkies, as by default sinkies are balless. so balless = sinkies, balless singaporean = sinkies, balless sinkies = balless balless singaporean...

It should be Balless sinkie losers. Then the effect is there.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Members here are not required to "add value" to the forum. It has never been a prerequisite.

This forum exists so that people can let off the sort of steam that is not allowed elsewhere by thin skinned hosts.

If narcissistic characters want to shine the spotlight on themselves, what's wrong with that? It's not a crime in my books.:rolleyes:

This thread exist because i counter that sinkie moderator in his food preference and he cannot take it. hehehe


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
This thread exist because i counter that sinkie moderator in his food preference and he cannot take it. hehehe

I'm sure the moderator is above taking things personally when it comes to managing the forum.


Sammyboy.com was founded on the concept of free speech. EVERYBODY has an agenda or two which will dominate their prose. It's kind of sad to see attempts being made to silence certain quarters.

I must say that I like your reasoning. That each of us here has the rights to express ourselves in writing without regard to whether we are oddballs or think others as oddballs.

In my opinion, the freedom to speak is what differentiates the forum from others.

As for Leetahbar and Tonychat, they are more to be understood than misunderstood. Given what was said about that, life could not be easy for them. Hence a dose of understanding plus the ignore button work wonders for all - those for them, those against them and those who are truly indifferent towards them.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
delphi has their delphigod. here we have scrotumless scroobal free fingering at the moderation buttons.


I have neither the time nor the inclination to sort out free speech from the sort of crap that you attract. I've left it to the moderator.

If you aren't happy, that's tough.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I must say that I like your reasoning. That each of us here has the rights to express ourselves in writing without regard to whether we are oddballs or think others as oddballs.

In my opinion, the freedom to speak is what differentiates the forum from others.

As for Leetahbar and Tonychat, they are more to be understood than misunderstood. Given what was said about that, life could not be easy for them. Hence a dose of understanding plus the ignore button work wonders for all - those for them, those against them and those who are truly indifferent towards them.

That's right!!! Ignore button is God. But there are some who seems to be addicted to my post. i dunno why.