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Views on Tonychat - Spamming or Not


Interim Message

Please keep the views coming. There is already one brilliant suggestion. As we are all stakeholders and without all of us, not much of a forum, please continue to give your 2 cents freely.

Many of us have difficulty understanding our own conduct and this is a good opportunity to throw your views. I am no exception with my abrasive and obstinate manner.

Some of you have written a fair bit and I don't take these things lightly, so don't be put off if I don't reply directly. I certainly are reading them.


Bro scroobal,

Do not take your moderator role too seriously here. Once you have done cleaning up this place, Sam will dumped you like what he did to Thaivisitor. I presume you do not visit his sex forum, so you may not know what had happened. Thaivisitor was a helpful and well-respected samster in the sex forum. The sex forum then was like this forum now, fully of flaming and craps being thrown around. Sam cleverly roped in Thaivisitor as a moderator to clean up the place. He did a good job, but then also incurred the wrath of spammers and flamebaiters over there. Daily, he was subjected to abuse, call for his moderator role to be stripped..etc etc. Undaunted by all these nonsense, Thaivisitor, or TV as we often call him, continues to do the dirty work for Sam until the whole forum was spick and span. Immediately after that, Sam dumped him as a moderator, and create a nick called Caveat Emptor to moderate the forum himself. So do not be fooled by Sam, he is just making use of you to do the dirty job for him FOC, while he remain at the sideline watching and waiting for the right time to intercede and dumped you as well. It is interesting to see him making those comments here, becos they are somewhat similar to what he had made previously, when TV was under pressure from disgruntled troublemakers over there, like what you are facing here now. As for Sam's load of craps here, he seems to have conveniently forgotten that he was actively banning and moderating nicks that he dislike in the early days of this forum. He only loosen up when he finds that his traffic was not forthcoming with new forums in delphi popping up like 3in1 and victorsun kopitiam.

Hence my nick!:mad:


CB Kia tonychat,

fuck you lah.. 1st day of work also must curse u... no choice cos u fucking deserves it..:biggrin:

you do not take advice from any1 when u did not request for it?? then why the fuck you keep asking ppl to eat grass machiam herbivore like you:oIo: did they ask for your advice??

you kena banned then wun be back?? fuck you lah.. you (and your sinkieloser clone) kena banned by orchi and his army many times liao and yet you CCB lan lan still come back everytime..:oIo:

he is a hypocrite!:mad:


CB Kia tonychat,

look.. if its just me that tulan you and keep fukcing you.. then maybe our 'ba zi' cannot click, maybe its just me..

if some many ppl come here to fuck you, then the fault must be yours ok...

stop being a nuisance.. fuck off from here:oIo:

since you like thailand so much, go enjoy life with your thai frens (non-sinkie) and drink some beer chang... or the truth is you cannot find a thai fren in real life:biggrin:... imaginary and no shadow ones no count ok..:eek:


Hence my nick!:mad:

I am not surprise as Sam dislikes straight shooters like you.

I know of another member whose posts were constantly being deleted by Sam in the early days for whacking certain well-known opposition members here. Therefore I am not buying all his craps :wink:
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Yeap, thats why i would advise scroobal to take it easy after reading Sam's comments. Afterall, he is not even paid a single cent to do housekeeping here.

This is a lesson i learned from my working life: if you are not in sync with your boss/owner, it is time to go, no matter how good or valuable you are to the company.

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What's the fun in being moderator? U get all the shit, but none of the pay! U reckon Sam got give him a cut from those sex ad banners? lol


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Freedom of speech also means accountability in the REAL world. Therefore, in a forum such as this where accountability cannot be placed on an anonymous nick, 3rd party moderation is necessary to keep forum participation attractive to the widest audience possible.

Which is why when Sam deleted most of my more "colorful" posts about Leetahbar, protest I did about being unceremoniously put in my place, but I can appreciate why it had to be done.

As for Leetahbar, he should be kept in the rubbish bin indefinitely because as soon as we let our guard down, he will start his gay stories and lewd comments all over again.

I will however not be surprised if he is "grooming" another nick/clone while toning down the LTB nick. And as soon as that groomed nick is better accepted by forummers, Bob Sim Kheng Hwee will have a new avenue to spread his nonsense again.

As to Bob Sim (leetarbar), moderation will continue until the flamebait is removed from the Avatar. The Avatar contains a picture of NgEjay, which has been the source of trouble from day 1 leading to thrashing of threads and annihilation of a folder. Again the simpletons will argue about civil rights and the usual freedom of speech but thread thrashing is not acceptable and I supect by everyone. If someone takes the time and effort to pen a few words, thrashing it shows little respect to a fellow human being and other forum members so please spare me this bullshit about civil rights. As you probably know, I have little or no respect for the F4(Lamei, Ti Lick and Ejay and Bob Sim) for bringing their personal vendattas to this forum and wrecking it. Especially their attempts to ban the old SBF forum and forum members.

I have already asked Bob in writing to remove the flamebait from his avatar and he has refused and moderations continues. He knows that it gets a response from Ejay and F4immediately together with those horrendous and often repeated pics. Those who think that it has got to do with SDP are rather short-sighted or clueless. If there are no flamebaits in the avatar or in the message, Bob is more than welcome to discuss the SDP and even his affair with my mum and its sordid details with no repercussions. But I suspect that this will go on one as Bob has managed to make himself as flamebait. So don't expect to see changes.

Please use this thread to throw in other views as well as those pertaining to Tonychat and Bob Sim.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Take note that tony chat is also racist against his own race and does not see the irony of calling chinese as chinks and somehow he's like the special chinese out there.

Btw i read sifu saying how he had 1 fatty ex sinkee gf whom broke off with him and hence he hates a sinkee girls. Very nice way of associating all sinkee gals as bad cos of 1 fatty ex gf whom probably hates him cos of his whiny preachy double standard ways.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Freedom of speech also means accountability in the REAL world. Therefore, in a forum such as this where accountability cannot be placed on an anonymous nick, 3rd party moderation is necessary to keep forum participation attractive to the widest audience possible.

Which is why when Sam deleted most of my more "colorful" posts about Leetahbar, protest I did about being unceremoniously put in my place, but I can appreciate why it had to be done.

As for Leetahbar, he should be kept in the rubbish bin indefinitely because as soon as we let our guard down, he will start his gay stories and lewd comments all over again.

I will however not be surprised if he is "grooming" another nick/clone while toning down the LTB nick. And as soon as that groomed nick is better accepted by forummers, Bob Sim Kheng Hwee will have a new avenue to spread his nonsense again.

Freedom of speech is too advanced for sinkie to understand. Their quality is not high enough for such 1st world standard.

What is suitable for them are tons of rules and regulations to control them. If they are let loose, hell everywhere.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
i am so touched that this thread is dedicated to me. I didn't know i am so well-known and popular here.

General Veers

i am so touched that this thread is dedicated to me. I didn't know i am so well-known and popular here.

Don't be too happy yet cos the OA doesn't use the ignore button and your ass will still be kicked regularly by them. And your next reply will be who gives a damn. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Well, i dun really like to be in the limelight but i dunno why i am still in the limelight. WAHAHAHHAHAH!!!! Yes, who cares..


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
On the other hand, if we start advocating deleting posts from people based on our own subjective criteria, it will be down a slippery slope.

I support deleting all posts made by leetahbar and his clones, but tonychat is a bit different as he does not have an explicit agenda to dirty the forum, unlike what some other trolls (most of them consigned to the rubbish heap -- thanks, Scroobal, it has made the forum much more readable) have explicitly stated is their intention.

I think one good yardstick is volume -- if the poster does 8 posts every day, all on the same lame message, its safe to assume he is a spammer. Most posters in the rubbish heap fit this criteria.

Even then it can be a gray area. Delphi used to have a feature called "bozo" that allows the moderator to make a poster's message look like deleted messages to everyone else but the poster himself. This may be a good tactic for someone like Teekee for instance who does like 20-30 posts per day which annoys the majority of people. Does V-bulletin have a similar feature? -- scroobal & leongsam, please enlighten.

I would consider it more of trolling/flame baiting than spamming.

Suggest to put his posts under moderation and delete all his posts which seem to repeat the same point day in, day out than to place him in the rubbish heap (since he hardly starts any topics).

Perhaps a more "creative" way of handling him would be to do a word filter on him, change "sinkies" to "tonychat's ladyboy wife" and "balls" or "balless" to "tonychat's cunt" and the like. :wink:

Thanks for doing a good job so far, but I must say that I don't envy your job as I have been a moderator before and it really cramps the fun of participating (i.e.- stirring shit LOL) in forums such as these.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Fully appreciate your point here.

But i think sometimes the line has to be drawn between someone who has explicitly threatened to dirty the forum and who has done everything he can to carry out the threat, and someone who is merely letting off steam.

Before Scroobal was appointed moderator, there was a bunch of nicks polluting the entire forum with their filth. It was unreadable. As i recall, you did not really do very much about it except for a few obvious threads which you tossed into the rubbish heap or deleted outright.

Only when scroobal tidied up what you were unwilling to do did the forum improve and more good postings/threads appear.

I have read messages from posters including clones of leetahbar who say that they would dirty your forum if you don't grant them certain rights. I think you should ban those nicks outright. As perspective says, this is a forum, not a wall. Freedom of speech is a privilege, not a right, when it comes to a forum.

Sammyboy.com was founded on the concept of free speech. EVERYBODY has an agenda or two which will dominate their prose. It's kind of sad to see attempts being made to silence certain quarters.

Even Leetahbar seems to have disappeared as a result of the censorship imposed upon him. All he did was express his opinions. The spammers were the ones who responded to his posts with the same old extreme vulgarities and graphic images. The man himself didn't do anything inherently wrong.:confused: He criticised the SDP which he has every right to do.

In Delphi, we had messages that were repeated over and over on a daily basis... "NS is killing Singapore"... "I'm Benny and I have AIDS"... "Junk it and get yourself a proper computer".. etc etc.

Tonychat is fine. He's simply saying what most people already know.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Interesting, SIFU.

Do you know tony personally in real life?

Happy new year to all...

1st workday of 2010 so i will try to refrain from cursing and swearing too much lah..

anyway that tonychat is still a sporean (he dun dare to give up red passport, and thailand dun accept him as citizen cos he no talent)..

he now resides in bangkok, living off his prostitute ladyboy gf (or maybe already married liao, i am not sure).. he used to have a ah pui spore girlfren but he was jilted.. thus he has a deep hatred for sporeans, especially spore gals..

he doesn't have much education (this i deduced from the low standard of post that he posted)..

he was once convicted of somekind of fraud in spore...

thats all i know..:biggrin:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

I don't think I need to comment on your post as others can easily gauge you from what you've written.

I just want to ask, you sound like a young chap. Are you currently gainfully employed?

If they travel much, especially around the region, and if they successfully made any real friends from around the region, their opinion about sinkies is not positive at all. (I dun think the sinkies can take that personally as well.)

I have to put in some effort to make them realise that i am not one of those sinkie losers if i tell them where i am initially from. But i do understand how they feel.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Fully appreciate your point here.

But i think sometimes the line has to be drawn between someone who has explicitly threatened to dirty the forum and who has done everything he can to carry out the threat, and someone who is merely letting off steam.

Before Scroobal was appointed moderator, there was a bunch of nicks polluting the entire forum with their filth. It was unreadable. As i recall, you did not really do very much about it except for a few obvious threads which you tossed into the rubbish heap or deleted outright.

Only when scroobal tidied up what you were unwilling to do did the forum improve and more good postings/threads appear.

I have read messages from posters including clones of leetahbar who say that they would dirty your forum if you don't grant them certain rights. I think you should ban those nicks outright. As perspective says, this is a forum, not a wall. Freedom of speech is a privilege, not a right, when it comes to a forum.

This whole damn thing is very simple. if you dun like the post just hit the ignore button. talk so much crap about freedom of speech lah, right lah privilege lah.

In actual fact, it comes down to you bunch of sinkie balless losers here who dun even dare to go out and fight for your rights and has to depend on some unknown forum to hide behind and push your rights as though it would work.

After some disturbance or see something you dun like, all sinkie shit let loose here.

Why dun you bunch go and create another vbulletin forum and kill yourself there? need to spend money har, need to work har, need effort har.

Why dun just say that you are lazy and want to take the easy way out and best of all sinkie's excuse: no need to spend money and pay for it.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
leetahbar is the only nic i use and has no clones but my pet snake has plenty. if u can believe all the craps from SDP, my simple revelation would be easier to believe.

why do i need so many nics? only those my pet snake needs to resort to such loser antic.:cool:


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