• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Views on Tonychat - Spamming or Not


Keep the views coming especially those that have not submitted any comments. This is excellent as it provides a good way to gauge the spectrum. I will unstick this thread after a week of views.

I chose Tony because I noticed that he is a frequent poster from the statistics averaging over 7 per posts per day and 99% had same message. I also know Tony from the early days and he was pretty much a loner having bonded with only on other forummer Kassim Salleh. His favourite other topic is veganism particulary the altruistic bid and my attempt yesterday to draw him to provide more details failed. He has also sought advice in the past on migrating to OZ and upgrading himself with little success. I suspect this is the only "home" he has. So nobody is going to make homeless.

Tony is also one of positive few who helped push the move to Vbulletin platform and kept posting when it was pretty much bone dry in the first few weeks. Even today, he is the champion "Upz" person bumping up thread when no other post had been received.

Tony, a bit of advice (despite being obstinate after what happenned to you in S'pore)
1) Put the words "All sinkies are Balless" as your signature so that you don't have repeat it. You can still post by punching at least 11".".
2) Try get your life back and contribute on your favourite subjects - veganism, PCs, life in thailand, your experienes living in thailand, your observations such as S'porean travelling on Thai light rail, etc. There will be others that will be interested.

No one can make the changes but you and only you, If everyone of us were like you, this forum would have ended within 24 hrs. Forums have nothing do with free speech or the right to expression but depend solely on content and flavour. Given that this forum is clearly very dissident in nature tells you that civil rights are already part of the ethos of pariticipants and a given. ( A major reson for my paritcipation)

As to Bob Sim (leetarbar), moderation will continue until the flamebait is removed from the Avatar. The Avatar contains a picture of NgEjay, which has been the source of trouble from day 1 leading to thrashing of threads and annihilation of a folder. Again the simpletons will argue about civil rights and the usual freedom of speech but thread thrashing is not acceptable and I supect by everyone. If someone takes the time and effort to pen a few words, thrashing it shows little respect to a fellow human being and other forum members so please spare me this bullshit about civil rights. As you probably know, I have little or no respect for the F4(Lamei, Ti Lick and Ejay and Bob Sim) for bringing their personal vendattas to this forum and wrecking it. Especially their attempts to ban the old SBF forum and forum members.

I have already asked Bob in writing to remove the flamebait from his avatar and he has refused and moderations continues. He knows that it gets a response from Ejay and F4immediately together with those horrendous and often repeated pics. Those who think that it has got to do with SDP are rather short-sighted or clueless. If there are no flamebaits in the avatar or in the message, Bob is more than welcome to discuss the SDP and even his affair with my mum and its sordid details with no repercussions. But I suspect that this will go on one as Bob has managed to make himself as flamebait. So don't expect to see changes.

Please use this thread to throw in other views as well as those pertaining to Tonychat and Bob Sim.


That's right!!! Ignore button is God. But there are some who seems to be addicted to my post. i dunno why.

If they like your post, you have a following. Or perhaps you mean addiction in a negative sense?

In either case, you can express yourself freely here. That is a major plus. Even if your content is only 'sinkified' or 'unsinkified'.

Somehow i feel that these are labels to make yourself feel better, in the same manner as labelling people as 'good' or 'bad', 'friends' or 'foe'.

If you were to elaborate on the situation(s), you may well find you have an even greater following, in the positive sense.

By that means, you will be making better use of the freedom of speech here and at the same time, introducing interesting points of view.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If they like your post, you have a following. Or perhaps you mean addiction in a negative sense?

In either case, you can express yourself freely here. That is a major plus. Even if your content is only 'sinkified' or 'unsinkified'.

Somehow i feel that these are labels to make yourself feel better, in the same manner as labelling people as 'good' or 'bad', 'friends' or 'foe'.

If you were to elaborate on the situation(s), you may well find you have an even greater following, in the positive sense.

By that means, you will be making better use of the freedom of speech here and at the same time, introducing interesting points of view.

I follow freedom of action as well. I do what i like and when i like. Nobody is there to tell me what to do and when to do it.. Sinkies love to be in command and control and i usually show them my middle finger.

The like to teach when the other party didn't even request for an education in the first place from that sinkie.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
ony, a bit of advice (despite being obstinate after what happenned to you in S'pore)
1) Put the words "All sinkies are Balless" as your signature so that you don't have repeat it. You can still post by punching at least 11".".
2) Try get your life back and contribute on your favourite subjects - veganism, PCs, life in thailand, your experienes living in thailand, your observations such as S'porean travelling on Thai light rail, etc. There will be others that will be interested.

No one can make the changes but you and only you, If everyone of us were like you, this forum would have ended within 24 hrs. Forums have nothing do with free speech or the right to expression but depend solely on content and flavour. Given that this forum is clearly very dissident in nature tells you that civil rights are already part of the ethos of pariticipants and a given. ( A major reson for my paritcipation)

For your information, i do not take advice from anyone when i didn't request for it. This is what you want the forum to be but it is up to me to decide if i wanna do that. You dun set a rule or" hope that you would change" bullshit and expect a person to follow it.

If you do not like what i did, you can always banned me from this forum and i will not be back anymore.

Ah Guan

many forummers do not like to read about things that are "standard" opinions. they want to read something out of their anticipation. everyone loves surprises.

i can suprise everyone even more but for the time being, my hands are bound. luckily leongsam has generously spared RUBBISH HEAP out of scroobal's jurisdiction.:smile:

This forum is much better now without your homo pervert posts

If you still want to update the world about your immoral lifestyle then you can go to the YPAP forum. Many will support your SDP bashing there.


For your information, i do not take advice from anyone when i didn't request for it. This is what you want the forum to be but it is up to me to decide if i wanna do that. You dun set a rule or" hope that you would change" bullshit and expect a person to follow it.

If you do not like what i did, you can always banned me from this forum and i will not be back anymore.

CB Kia tonychat,

fuck you lah.. 1st day of work also must curse u... no choice cos u fucking deserves it..:biggrin:

you do not take advice from any1 when u did not request for it?? then why the fuck you keep asking ppl to eat grass machiam herbivore like you:oIo: did they ask for your advice??

you kena banned then wun be back?? fuck you lah.. you (and your sinkieloser clone) kena banned by orchi and his army many times liao and yet you CCB lan lan still come back everytime..:oIo:


Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
My Take.

Freedom of Speech
This is very much a romantic idea and it should work both ways. As much as the west is championing freedom of speech, they also as a mechanism in place to curb excessive behavior.

What is the different between commercial spamming and spamming by members? If the former is remove, why allow the latter to exist?

Alternative Unmoderated Coffeeshop
Why not rename the Rubbish folder to Unmoderated Coffeeshop to respect those that won't mind and stand 100% behind it. They can have the choice.

Forum Health
Today, the mean viewership of main coffeeshop folder average between 200 to 300 viewers. We could give it sometime to gauge whether moderation is good or bad.

Lastly, we all come here for whatsoever reason, and I believe we all want it to become a better place to let go our steam, catch some gossip or some even make it as the only place to get your local news ( like myself :biggrin:).

So, I am for giving it some time to try applying some moderation.


Since you asked mate, I'll post something about the both of them from what I've seen.

Personally, I think tonychat makes some interesting points. Especially in this thread. There are several times when I was going over a thread and was thinking, "This is so Sinkie behaviour!" and the next post you see is Tonychat saying that. My personal opinion, after seeing what he had said about not replying, or justifying, elaborating, about the sinkie behaviour comments is that, this is someone that has given up, not bothered with explaining, what he meant by sinkies too many times. You've explained that he is an "old timer" in the forum and that does explain a little. I do hope Tony can get back to his "old" self. I'm actually planning to go to Thailand sometime this year for some R&R. Anything about Thailand, food, alcohol, woman :wink: , would be nice to know if Tony can provide some information. I heard, you can get a tailored made suit/vest/shirt for next to peanuts in Bangkok. Tony, if you are reading this, don't take this as an insult, but a suggestion that there are others that would appreciate what you know and would gladly appreciate what you have to say.

Leetahbar, is a totally different beast. Most of his comments, I never found interesting nor his post of any value. Usually, I would just ignore them and that would be the end of it. However, the spam that follows is what really destroys the threads in the forum. I think the spams are getting lesser since Scroobal becomes the moderator, but it seem LeeTahBar continues to post nonsense. I suppose it won't be long before these "F4" you mention starts spamming again and we are back to square one here.

Having said these, a big part is the spams that follows these two personas. F4s for LeeTahBar, and SiFu for Tonychat. I have no clue where they get all this information, but spamming and hurling abuses at these people just exacerbate the problem. I also have no idea why the spammers have developed such an obsession over these two. Perhaps, if we don't hurl as much abuses these characters could be more "reformed" and integrate back into SBF?

I chose Tony because I noticed that he is a frequent poster from the statistics averaging over 7 per posts per day and 99% had same message. I also know Tony from the early days and he was pretty much a loner having bonded with only on other forummer Kassim Salleh. His favourite other topic is veganism particulary the altruistic bid and my attempt yesterday to draw him to provide more details failed. He has also sought advice in the past on migrating to OZ and upgrading himself with little success. I suspect this is the only "home" he has. So nobody is going to make homeless.

Tony is also one of positive few who helped push the move to Vbulletin platform and kept posting when it was pretty much bone dry in the first few weeks. Even today, he is the champion "Upz" person bumping up thread when no other post had been received.

No one can make the changes but you and only you, If everyone of us were like you, this forum would have ended within 24 hrs. Forums have nothing do with free speech or the right to expression but depend solely on content and flavour. Given that this forum is clearly very dissident in nature tells you that civil rights are already part of the ethos of pariticipants and a given. ( A major reson for my paritcipation)

I have already asked Bob in writing to remove the flamebait from his avatar and he has refused and moderations continues. He knows that it gets a response from Ejay and F4immediately together with those horrendous and often repeated pics. Those who think that it has got to do with SDP are rather short-sighted or clueless. If there are no flamebaits in the avatar or in the message, Bob is more than welcome to discuss the SDP and even his affair with my mum and its sordid details with no repercussions. But I suspect that this will go on one as Bob has managed to make himself as flamebait. So don't expect to see changes.

Please use this thread to throw in other views as well as those pertaining to Tonychat and Bob Sim.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I chose Tony because I noticed that he is a frequent poster from the statistics averaging over 7 per posts per day and 99% had same message. I also know Tony from the early days and he was pretty much a loner having bonded with only on other forummer Kassim Salleh. His favourite other topic is veganism particulary the altruistic bid and my attempt yesterday to draw him to provide more details failed. He has also sought advice in the past on migrating to OZ and upgrading himself with little success. I suspect this is the only "home" he has. So nobody is going to make homeless.

hmm.. i do not know in any way my behavior in the forum leaves clue that i am a loner. That is very interesting. Anyway, sinkie adventure is here to stay, you like it or not. Ignore button is useful for anyone here. Learn to use it.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Tony, if you are reading this, don't take this as an insult, but a suggestion that there are others that would appreciate what you know and would gladly appreciate what you have to say.

Oh no.. I dun care much as this is just a forum , an extra webspace to relax. There are some sinkie losers who got the most petty behavior that ever exist and they are very suitable to work for LKY. (BTW, i want to make this clear is that i do not come here to provide interesting points for anyone. I am here for myself to relax and enjoy.)

Who cares? Ignore button is very useful. Good luck to ur trip to Thailand. If you want more info on thailand, go to thaivisa.com

By the way, there are some sinkie losers who PM me about thailand and i told them to go to that website and still come back to tell me that they cannot get anything there.

That is the best site and forum about thailand. If they cannot even do something like that, then it is better for them to forget about having a life. Anyway, sinkie life is not worth having it, better off forgetting it.
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Always go back to the basics. There is a difference between a forum and a wall. The fact that Leongsam the founder called this a forum and not a wall means it would have to be a forum as a forum does. So his own rejoinder about freedom of speech is odd.

Every real life forum has a panel, audience and moderator. Just because there is doesn't mean that all forums in this world do not practise freedom of speech. A wall on the other hand is for any people to spray paint on.

Just because Obama makes a thank you speech and no one else is allowed to interrupt him doesn't mean Obama or USA doesn't practise freedom of speech.


(BTW, i want to make this clear is that i do not come here to provide interesting points for anyone. I am here for myself to relax and enjoy.)

CB Kia Tonychat, you use same liner "Balless sinkies" on every posting everyday. Still got the cheek to say you come here to relax and enjoy. U not busy pimping out your ladyboy wife? :oIo:


CB Kia Tonychat, you use same liner "Balless sinkies" on every posting everyday. Still got the cheek to say you come here to relax and enjoy. U not busy pimping out your ladyboy wife? :oIo:

CB kia tonychat is a good-for-nothing.. even while 'working' in thailand, he is a lazy-like-fuck OKT... he rather spends his time surfing the net then getting more biz for his ladyboy wife..


CB kia tonychat is a good-for-nothing.. even while 'working' in thailand, he is a lazy-like-fuck OKT... he rather spends his time surfing the net then getting more biz for his ladyboy wife..

SIFU, u seem to know Tonychat personally. Any evidence that he is really a pimp + his wife is ladyboy? A real man would have addressed these questions, but this CB Kia just choose to GEH SIAO and ignore.

Please advise (correct right Sam)!


Always go back to the basics. There is a difference between a forum and a wall. The fact that Leongsam the founder called this a forum and not a wall means it would have to be a forum as a forum does. So his own rejoinder about freedom of speech is odd.

Every real life forum has a panel, audience and moderator. Just because there is doesn't mean that all forums in this world do not practise freedom of speech. A wall on the other hand is for any people to spray paint on.

Just because Obama makes a thank you speech and no one else is allowed to interrupt him doesn't mean Obama or USA doesn't practise freedom of speech.

leetahbar is no Obama!:mad:


Bro scroobal,

Do not take your moderator role too seriously here. Once you have done cleaning up this place, Sam will dumped you like what he did to Thaivisitor. I presume you do not visit his sex forum, so you may not know what had happened. Thaivisitor was a helpful and well-respected samster in the sex forum. The sex forum then was like this forum now, fully of flaming and craps being thrown around. Sam cleverly roped in Thaivisitor as a moderator to clean up the place. He did a good job, but then also incurred the wrath of spammers and flamebaiters over there. Daily, he was subjected to abuse, call for his moderator role to be stripped..etc etc. Undaunted by all these nonsense, Thaivisitor, or TV as we often call him, continues to do the dirty work for Sam until the whole forum was spick and span. Immediately after that, Sam dumped him as a moderator, and create a nick called Caveat Emptor to moderate the forum himself. So do not be fooled by Sam, he is just making use of you to do the dirty job for him FOC, while he remain at the sideline watching and waiting for the right time to intercede and dumped you as well. It is interesting to see him making those comments here, becos they are somewhat similar to what he had made previously, when TV was under pressure from disgruntled troublemakers over there, like what you are facing here now. As for Sam's load of craps here, he seems to have conveniently forgotten that he was actively banning and moderating nicks that he dislike in the early days of this forum. He only loosen up when he finds that his traffic was not forthcoming with new forums in delphi popping up like 3in1 and victorsun kopitiam.
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Bro scroobal,

Do not take your moderator role too seriously here. Once you have done cleaning up this place, Sam will dumped you like what he did to Thaivisitor. I presume you do not visit his sex forum, so you may not know what had moderator role to be stripped..etc etc. Undaunted by all these nonsense, Thaivisitor, or TV as we often call him, continues to do the dirty work for Sam until the whole forum was spick and span. Immediately after that, Sam dumped him as a moderator, and create a nick called Caveat .
