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To Islamophobes That Ridicule Prophet Muhammad for Marrying Aisyah, Here is the Rabbi Giving Reasons Why Isaac Married 3 Year Old Rebecca


Well, is it the same book? Obviously an imitation will have mistake that leads to pedohile behaviour
You are wrong to say koran is an imitation, koran is a true book that promotes its believes to incest, rape and beheading of infidels.

Vlad Tepes

This is not a question, it is a statement duh.

Anyway, which so called Jewish and Christian scholars say there are verses in the Bible saying Rebecca was 3 when Issac married her?
Don't bother with this delusional cunt. He likes to paint pictures inside his head and claims he's the next picasso.


pitiful is a man who has to denounce his own quran and sahih hadiths as fakes when faced with the facts and truth. may the Holy Spirit open your eyes and soften your heart.
Nowhere did I mention Quran as fake. Try harder. Putting words in my mouth doesn't make your fake bible true.


Nowhere did I mention Quran as fake. Try harder. Putting words in my mouth doesn't make your fake bible true.
So you admit sahih hadiths are fakes?

A sahih hadith is a saying or action attributed to the Prophet that meets the standards of authenticity set by Muslim scholars. Sahih is an Arabic word that means "genuine" or "authentic."

BTW, which version of the quran are you reading?



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I think you read the fake Koran.

There's several different qurans. Which ones are fake? All of them?



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You claim Jesus as god. So Jesus authorized in the old testament to kill man and women, mother and child, old and young, donkeys and sheep.
Explain how your version of Jesus is not violent?

Because that judgement was for a specific group of people, not a universal judgement against anyone who doesn't worship Yahweh.
It's vastly different from islam, where muslims attacked and massacred so many different people across continents simply for rejecting islam.


So you admit sahih hadiths are fakes?

A sahih hadith is a saying or action attributed to the Prophet that meets the standards of authenticity set by Muslim scholars. Sahih is an Arabic word that means "genuine" or "authentic."

BTW, which version of the quran are you reading?

I repeat. There are fake hadiths.


Because that judgement was for a specific group of people, not a universal judgement against anyone who doesn't worship Yahweh.
It's vastly different from islam, where muslims attacked and massacred so many different people across continents simply for rejecting islam.
Just like when Jesus said that he was only sent to save the lost children of Israel?

Than why are you following him? Are you gentile turned Jew?