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To Islamophobes That Ridicule Prophet Muhammad for Marrying Aisyah, Here is the Rabbi Giving Reasons Why Isaac Married 3 Year Old Rebecca

syed putra

Come on. Wait another few years after 3 and 9 and try to get them by 16. Because if you don't, students like @glockman will. And by 18,legal age for marriage, there are no virgins left
In Europe, legal age for consensual sex is 16, but they found out many already had sex before that, and did it with fellow students. So they hide it and allow things to happen quietly.


Come on. Wait another few years after 3 and 9 and try to get them by 16. Because if you don't, students like @glockman will. And by 18,legal age for marriage, there are no virgins left
In Europe, legal age for consensual sex is 16, but they found out many already had sex before that, and did it with fellow students. So they hide it and allow things to happen quietly.
You mean the Prophet was very smart, he reserved aisha's virginity at 6 and so able to break it himself at 9. Why your religion belief, virginity is extremely importance?


You mean the Prophet was very smart, he reserved aisha's virginity at 6 and so able to break it himself at 9. Why your religion belief, virginity is extremely importance?

But do not kill the young women who have never had sex. You may keep them for yourselves. (Numbers: 31:18)


Alfrescian (Inf)
Of course that's why I read and listen to all opinions. As a result of my nuch learning, I don't believe in anything that came from a 50+ pedo who have sex with a 9 year old and promised his followers eternal sex with 72 year old virgin, young boys and have endless booze.
72 virgins la. I don't think any martyr would expect to receive a 72yo virgin in heaven. Lol.


In Jewish Torah, Rebecca cannot be 3 yr old. She fetched water for 24 camels single handledly, she california gym girl. Btw each camel drink 100 litres per day.
Why is there a contradiction in the old testament when it is supposed to be the word of god. Your god makes mistakes?

syed putra

In Jewish Torah, Rebecca cannot be 3 yr old. She fetched water for 24 camels single handledly, she california gym girl. Btw each camel drink 100 litres per day.
I think camels can drink 100 litres at one time and store it for several weeks.