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To Islamophobes That Ridicule Prophet Muhammad for Marrying Aisyah, Here is the Rabbi Giving Reasons Why Isaac Married 3 Year Old Rebecca


Your god shat?
Your god died?
Your god didn't know the hour?
Your god by himself cannot do anything?
Humans can see your god?

How many more contradictions from the bible you want me to bring?
Don't get worked up, nobody bothers if you choose to believe a 50+ year old pedo who promised you perpetual sex with 72 year old virgin.

Vlad Tepes

Your god shat?
Your god died?
Your god didn't know the hour?
Your god by himself cannot do anything?
Humans can see your god?

How many more contradictions from the bible you want me to bring?
omfg, you're damn aggressive and rude. you're a pork adverse muslim, right?

Vlad Tepes

You're welcomed to think and conclude whatever. It doesn't bother me.
So what are you?
Woah, I'm surprised bungkok view institution allows people like you have access to the internet. 1st you assumed and concluded I'm a christian. And now you said that my question (whether you're a muslim) is a conclusion? Anybody with a functional and sane mind can definitely tell that you're probably clinically insane. My goodness, don't reply anymore, siao lang.


And you not bothered with a book of lies?
Of course that's why I read and listen to all opinions. As a result of my nuch learning, I don't believe in anything that came from a 50+ pedo who have sex with a 9 year old and promised his followers eternal sex with 72 year old virgin, young boys and have endless booze.


Woah, I'm surprised bungkok view institution allows people like you have access to the internet. 1st you assumed and concluded I'm a christian. And now you said that my question (whether you're a muslim) is a conclusion? Anybody with a functional and sane mind can definitely tell that you're probably clinically insane. My goodness, don't reply anymore, siao lang.

Alpha muslim, sex is very important in this life and after life. When the promises sound to good to be true, they must be lies.


These two damned monotheist imperialist colonialist leeligions from the Muddle East!
They copied it wholesale from Jewdaism and used it for political and mental conquests. Between Xtianity and Islam, the latter is the most oppressive. Btw Jewdaism never proselytize. Converts have to actively go and find out themselves, like Madonna. Blindly adopting a leeligion that is not within your culture and region is to submit yourself to another identity, e.g. Malays who recite Arabic is like Sinkie try to speak Brit shit England in England accent.