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To Islamophobes That Ridicule Prophet Muhammad for Marrying Aisyah, Here is the Rabbi Giving Reasons Why Isaac Married 3 Year Old Rebecca


Yes....I hear alot about Mohd being given permission by Allah for this and that...good to have Allah in Mohd back pocket....but to clarify the Mudslimes/ Christians divide....is Allah the God of the Christians and Jews? My answer is No.

Mainstream Islamists all the time are very verociously asserting that allah is the same as the christian-judeo god. But the forum shatty islamists contradicted them.


Mainstream Islamists all the time are very verociously asserting that allah is the same as the christian-judeo god. But the forum shatty islamists contradicted them.
So since it's a different God....than easier to ignore their crap as they have no substance


You aping the west marrying women just past puberty from time immemorial to the 1900s just woke up and wants to enforce new standards?
Taliban is forcing others to his standards? Taliban no?

You and @Likemeat still have quota to take a few more wives, won't don't both of you emulate the Prophet and take a child bride?

@Likemeat is a high SES malay, he can also assist you financially! It is morally correct in islam as depicted by you, when you back off, it will give us signal that it is either embarrassing or something is wrong. :roflmao: :roflmao: