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To Islamophobes That Ridicule Prophet Muhammad for Marrying Aisyah, Here is the Rabbi Giving Reasons Why Isaac Married 3 Year Old Rebecca


You made my point.

You called a 9 year-old kid a 'young woman' just to avoid labelling your own 'prophet' as a pedophile.

You call others 'evildoers' when your sole 'prophet' was a robber. :FU: :smile:

At around the time of consummation of her marriage., she was playing with dolls and her mentality is no difference from a 9-year-old girl today! The islamic prophet was really a sicko man. We find a lot of character flaws with Mohammed but muslims cannot find similar flaws with Jesus, Buddha and Confucious.

Fath-ul-Bari page 143, Vol.13
I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me. (The playing with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for `Aisha at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.


A 9 year old female is a kid. If a 54 year old adult male fucks a 9 year old female, he is a pedophile. No use playing around with the 'young woman' term to mislead others. Is that what your mohammedan religion taught you? :laugh::laugh::laugh::FU::FU:
U mean 54yr old toothpick can find full satisfaction in 9yr old veergin cave?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
U mean 54yr old toothpick can find full satisfaction in 9yr old veergin cave?

That 54 year old pedo went on to cheat on his 9 year old kid wife after he fucked her. That's the mohammedan religion for you.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
A 9 year old female past puberty is a woman.
Her body and hormones are ready for reproduction.

That's disgusting. If moslems tried to fuck kids like their fake prophet did, we will rotan them!!

Isn't that what christians have practiced all the way until the 1900s?

And suddenly they turned into Christian Talibans. Hahaha

Calling others 'taliban' when even mahomet couldn't follow his own islamic laws? Your fake prophet discarded his own islamic laws when it went against his dick!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You need reminding how many wives your mahomet had when islamic laws said no more than 4 wives at a time?


That's disgusting. If moslems tried to fuck kids like their fake prophet did, we will rotan them!!

Ironically, the 'imperfect' secular laws in Singapore and Malaysia will punish them. Sharia is perfect, islam is perfect.


You need reminding how many wives your mahomet had when islamic laws said no more than 4 wives at a time?

Islamists will come and tell you Allah gave permission for the pedo Prophet to have more than 4 wives, he did nothing wrong. :roflmao:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Islamists will come and tell you Allah gave permission for the pedo Prophet to have more than 4 wives, he did nothing wrong. :roflmao:

So while Jesus kept all the OT laws, mahomet couldn't keep all the islamic laws that he introduced to the arabs.


That's disgusting. If moslems tried to fuck kids like their fake prophet did, we will rotan them!!

Calling others 'taliban' when even mahomet couldn't follow his own islamic laws? Your fake prophet discarded his own islamic laws when it went against his dick!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
You aping the west marrying women just past puberty from time immemorial to the 1900s just woke up and wants to enforce new standards?
Taliban is forcing others to his standards? Taliban no?

You need reminding how many wives your mahomet had when islamic laws said no more than 4 wives at a time?
Prophets are allowed dispensation on the number of wives. How many wives does the prophets have in your bible?

Laugh all you want as your churches empty out and nobody believes your corrupted bible anymore.

Go ahead. Play your fiddle while Rome burns.

In the meantime, we welcome them in large number with open arms and without enticing them with money.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You aping the west marrying women just past puberty from time immemorial to the 1900s just woke up and wants to enforce new standards?
Taliban is forcing others to his standards? Taliban no?

Fancy a muud like you aping the arabs trying to call others out for aping! :laugh::laugh::laugh::FU:

Prophets are allowed dispensation on the number of wives. How many wives does the prophets have in your bible?

So your moon god allah's laws don't apply to 'prophet', only to peasants. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Laugh all you want as your churches empty out and nobody believes your corrupted bible anymore.

Hardly any moslem believes in the silly qurans, regardless which arabic version you use. Most moslems, including you, are only in islam because of threats made to them if they leave islam, including the dissolution of their marriages, loss of family ties and threats to personal safety.

In the meantime, we welcome them in large number with open arms and without enticing them with money.

That's highly unislamic. mahomet, the founder of islam, welcomed new moslems by promising them money and war booty. moslems are also enticed with rewards of lots of sex and alcohol in imaginary jannah. You clearly don't know your islam.


Fancy a muud like you aping the arabs trying to call others out for aping! LOL
Jesus clearly said he only came for the Jews. Not for you.
While Prophet Muhammad clearly showed in the Quran that Islam is not only for the Arabs, but for the whole of mankind.
Fancy the chink ape who shamelessly tag along to some prophet who did not want it! LOL!!!
So your moon god allah's laws don't apply to 'prophet', only to peasants.
Aren't prophets the chosen special ones?


Apparently not.

There are different arabic qurans. Even your own islamic religion claimed that allah sent down 7 different arabic dialects of the quran. You clearly don't know shit about your own islam.


Of course i know my Quran. In every mosques u only find one Quran Arabic version. Name me two or three or four mosques where the Imam used diff version of Quran? However i can tell you which church use which version of bible and the contents entirely different. Look: :thumbsdown:

There are currently over 3,142 versions in over 2,073 languages available digitally on bible.com, of which 1,768 are available audibly. There are also versions in nearly 2,033 languages at faithcomesbyhearing.com and a similar number on the American Bible Society's bibles.org.
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syed putra

Of course i know my Quran. In every mosques u only find one Quran Arabic version. Name me two or three or four mosques where the Imam used diff version of Quran? However i can tell you which church use which version of bible and the contents entirely different.
Why the emphasis on a dead book? It's not God.


None of them were published by mahomet. So it's contents, are questionable.
Historians now doubt mahomet even existed. A fictional character created to shackle the masses into obedience.

To obey the Prophet pbuh? So that Prophet will be rich? Power? So Prophet can be the King? Murtad like u will never understand.

Prophet MUHAMMAD PBUH liked to stay a humble servant of ALLAH SWT and most of the times was starving. In his last moments he probably had a few dinar and he also donated them which left him with nothing.


Islamists will come and tell you Allah gave permission for the pedo Prophet to have more than 4 wives, he did nothing wrong. :roflmao:
Yes....I hear alot about Mohd being given permission by Allah for this and that...good to have Allah in Mohd back pocket....but to clarify the Mudslimes/ Christians divide....is Allah the God of the Christians and Jews? My answer is No.