Gold Kimberley My heartfelt feeling and sobbing tears for GE 2015 for Mr Low and WP Team even though I am western part many cultured shocked experience for Mr Low and WP as good Opposition Party! Most people still civic conconscious that Opposition is wrong to go against ruling government just like me when I was young and naive before. Now after more true Sg life experiences really stronlgly agreed Alternative Voice is crucial in Parliament ! Thanks WP oncd again!
Ron Goh if Mr.Low only want to sit quietly in parliament and waiting for his pay date, I believe he can earn more and with better year end bonus by joining the pap. why suffer alone all these years in parliament getting slammed left, right, up and down from all the whites. he don't have to and he can choose not to do so. he is not in debt to singaporeans........many have taken the oppositions for granted......but never question themselves what's the least we can do for them.......not even with a vote.
June Chia Wholeheartedly agree! I would say the same can be said for those who join the "opposition".
They are the true warriors who have the interest of Singaporeans at heart.
James Tay Mong I respect Mr Low. He is a great with passion. Not easy to be an oppositions in singapore. But he choose to be. Great job WP....
Jian Xin He is a graduate from the old Nanyang University he is not one without qualifications.
Marcus Tay Don't listen to those PAP supporter trolls or keyboard warriors.. I can bet if anyone of those trolls dared to step into Mr Low shoes..they will not even survive a day in the parliament. Mr Low had been fighting for equality for the common people like us and we have youngsters who study so much but have a brain of a pea. Only listen to one side of the story and think mighty of themselves. As I said.. Sinkies better don't complain too much in the next 5 yrs.... don't make a fool of yourself. Cry father cry mother when life is tough. U ask for it when u give them the mandate. Really.. many of u still think that 6.9 million is still a far away thing. Just give it a thinker. These extra new foreigners..where do they get their jobs.. do u really believe Singapore have enough jobs for everyone in the future.. do you think everyday is a Sunday for Singapore? Lastly.. are u more hardworking or capable than them or rather cheaper than them?
Chew Terry Mr. Low is a man with a heart of gold. We in hougang know best.
Xin Guozhi nothing but respect. he single handedly changed the fate of the Opposition in Singapore.
Ignatius Koh Wei Peng We need more like him, even LKY did said he was good.
Lai Yeu Huan he is one of the most astute political figures in singapore
Darren Lee SK It's true..Mr LTK maybe unable to speak as good and powerful English in the Parliament against the 80++ so call "elites" don on the White...but Mr LTK can give power speeches on just that our foolish local peoples got no eyes and no balls to give their paper for more of the WP to go in the Parliament.

Zhongpei Low He is another man who make history and contribute to the history of Singapore. LKY never allow any bullshit to survial in the politic game in Singapore. Only two make it before LKY leave... Mr Chiam and Mr Low. By doing that, we knew they consider the elite to be able to stand as an opposition in parliment. Without them, Singapore wouldnt have the show of democary. PAP has been the long ruling party in Singapore. They are like the main character in the show. Opp party are like the supporting character. We need both so that the show can go on. Well done!
- 郑瑾宏 Language is just a tool to get the point across i dont see why its a handicap for him ... rather those who laugh at his command of english probably cant even speak properly with their perfect english when being intimated by 80 plus "opposition"

Nina Heng Without him, The political climate will not be so considerate for the citizens. We will just be a number that can be multiplied by giving away citizenship.
Rosey Teo He is brave to face the lions
Shanice Cheng Singaporeans had took advantage of this great man for years!
He's 59 this year
Ask yourself this ... How many 5 years is left in his political career?
How many 5 years left can he fight for us in Parliament?
Answer: Not much left!
By den its too late to regret!
Yp Wong Don't forget that our founding father LKY was also an opposition from his first political struggle.
Mr Low is an interpretation of LKY substitution and will succeed him in due course of his political effort.
Good spoken English does not represent the total character of kindness, passion or courage.
Mr Low deserves many countryman's respect.
We salute Mr Low Thia Khiang.
Kevin Chan To the rest of the 30% who voted the others wise, they know who are sincerely working to serve the nation, the people, and not for the rocket high paycheck who said they they can do their own own check. Do you really believed when you have super high paycheck you really can work and understand what typical and poor Singaporean really want? I doubts so!
So please pay your outmost respect of him! Thinking if you will him, can you withstand fighting the war alone inside the jungle?
Laurence Raj If you guys remember, Chiam ST was also treated in a very unfair manner, mocked and laugh at in Parliament. One man against 80plus, nothing he said was accepted but respect these man for what they stood/stand for, fighting for Singaporeans. Bottom line as an MP, its not qualification, its whether you are there to serve the people.
Terence Koh LTK = fight for singaporean like what LKY did.
LHL = fight for the thing LKY given to him cant lose it.. see the different..
周國偉 His English poor? At least he was Chinese educated. Look at Lim Swee Say, English educated but his English is u know, like those stuffs u see in the toilet
Mohamed Yusof Bin RESPECT him for his daring voice out about Singaporean...
Janelle CL Quek My utmost respect to Mr Low! The only leader in Singapore whom I truly look up too.
Milson Ngsw Whoever can contribute to the nation in one way or another, he or she cannot be neglected.
Lawrence Koh The whole trouble in Parliament today, the ruling party are against the opposition and treat them like an outcast. They laughed at them and ridicule them just because they have the majority. LTK and his colleagues in Parliament has done a great job and I give him my full respect.