During my travels to the major cities of the world, my Uber driver is usually a Third World foreigner doing a job that locals shun. Unfortunately, the roles are reversed in my own country where foreigners are working as PMEs while the citizens whom they displaced are taxi and PHV drivers.
The insignificant nobody me at first glance of your post, agrees with what you wrote. But as Critical Analysis is my 2nd nature, there are many other realities to what you described.
a) In major cities around the world, they are filled with legal & ILLEGAL migrants whom will take up such jobs. In Singapore, due to our successful & restrictive migrant policies, there are little or no illegal migrants on our shores & only those companies that hire them MUST show the need for such.
Just walk around the estates & you will find cleaning staff are mostly made up legal migrants under E-passes as most Singaporeans shunned such jobs. Walk abit further & you will find construction & port sites equally filled with the same.
b) Singaporeans live sheltered lives, protected by our democracy & Rule of Law. Meritocracy rules & as such, those E pass holders whom had worked hard here after 3 to 5 years will see their careers elevated, with salary increased & promotion even to mgmt levels, which encourages them to apply for PR or even citizenship, supported by their employers.
They seldom take sick leaves or even paid leaves, willing to work overtime & do not pray the voluntary 5 times a day during office or working hours, unlike Singaporeans.
Furthermore, it is in
our Urban Culture - to be smart BUT not too smart, as promotion may mean higher salaries, but far more drastic would be the RESPONSIBLITIES & company's often high expectations.
Make one mistake & it is often the door to the outside highway. Thus Singaporeans are more cautious - why for that $500 or $1k salary more each month, only to lose it all when a mistake is made? Migrants are different. They are more hungry & willing to take such risks, as their home is in another land & job opportunities worldwide. When a Singaporean makes a mistake - one may not be able to find another job here may even lose his home & food on the table for his family....
c)Taxi, PHV, food delivery jobs, etc, are HONEST jobs. Most parents whom send their kids to school would hope that their kids would become doctors, lawyers, etc - blue collar jobs. But ULTIMATELY, it is about the salary one brings home.
It is well known that taxi drivers can bring home $6000/mth if they are hardworking enough. Similar with PHV drivers making the same pay, with tips from our well heeled biz leaders here. A food delivery person brings home $4000/mth. When combined with his wife who is also a food delivery person in this flexi hrs job, it is $8000/mth. Such are on par & even more than a degree holder at mid mgmt level. So what's there to look down upon?
Population strategy is complex & multi-tiered. It just needs to be fine tuned. We are a democracy & each has free will. A horse can be brought to the river, but no mortal can make the horse drink if it doesnt want to....