Is this not what the PAP LEEders want the people to assume and follow?
This in stark reality will happen in the future, it is bleak. I hope I won't live to see it.
Is this not what the PAP LEEders want the people to assume and follow?
When a adult stopped learning after finish school how create new ideas to pass down to his descendant...
How many of adults here keep self learning new industrial knowledge affected by technologies?
Stick to basic knowledge based on 3 concepts:
1. Teach children to discipline their behaviour.
2. Learn social behaviour like the Jap to respect each other by being early for every appointment made...
3. Treat each other with dignity and integrity no harm the environment with littering. Fucking ah neh are the dirtiest race in the world litters everywhere....
4. Have a religion, spirtual guide. The Jap treated Penis as God that Jap women loved to clean it with their mouth befor sex.
5. Democracy oroduced greed and warmongers. The chao angmoh can show you how to lies to get ahead and shit you with democracy shit ideas...
If Singapore was a Jap colony still after WW2 Sinkie will hv better quality life style under the Jap.
Look at what happen to Sinkie after the evil BE returned and continue ruling it become a opium trade 40% economy drug region. Does Sinkie become better under BE then?
No. Opium smoking dens are rampants hundreds of opium smoking dens were opened by Pommiese for easy drug money send back to UK.
In UK the Pomnies can spend all days and weeks played their stupid golf n cricket games with easy drug money...
Disagree. Look at Japan today. Still haven't recovered from their property bubble in the 90s. The salarymen have shit lives.
Yes there are bits of Japanese culture and society that are flourishing, but by and large, the golden age of post WW2 Japan is over.
This way, finally every school can be a good school. Keep the top 10-20 primary schools in Singapore and turn them into mega institutes for primary learning.
Yes, I agree. There will truly be dedicated intelligent schools for the various 'accepted' intelligences. PAP always promises to do it tomorrow, and tomorrow never cometh. The children of today cannot wait for tomorrow. The children of today needed it yesterday. PAP LEEders can go to Hell to atone and account to the parents and children of yesteryears.
Yes, I agree. There will truly be dedicated intelligent schools for the various 'accepted' intelligences. PAP always promises to do it tomorrow, and tomorrow never cometh. The children of today cannot wait for tomorrow. The children of today needed it yesterday. PAP LEEders can go to Hell to atone and account to the parents and children of yesteryears.
Yes, I agree. There will truly be dedicated intelligent schools for the various 'accepted' intelligences. PAP always promises to do it tomorrow, and tomorrow never cometh. The children of today cannot wait for tomorrow. The children of today needed it yesterday. PAP LEEders can go to Hell to atone and account to the parents and children of yesteryears.
Smaller class sizes should become the key objective for the MOE over the next decade. We can't possibly be stuck at 40 kids per class 50+ years after the founding of our nation. So sad if still 40 kids per class by SG100.
Yes I heard this is happening in the swedish system too. Kids can move freely between the technical and academic streams. This is done within the school level. Probably also made possible due to smaller class sizes.
Smaller class sizes should become the key objective for the MOE over the next decade. We can't possibly be stuck at 40 kids per class 50+ years after the founding of our nation. So sad if still 40 kids per class by SG100.
Something I wish to comprehend, for I sense something is not ordinary. I have noticed MOE, have upgraded many of the schools or all the schools, with added classrooms, facilities etc..In order words they have made many of schools BIGGER. Yet, we know, birth rates are declining. Why the increased in classrooms etc.? unless they are preparing in some sneaky ways to make money...or they would not have spent so much money upgrading the schools. After all, their Mantra is " Nothing comes for free".
What are they up to?
So far besides the car park charges PR debacle, minister Ong has been quite active in pushing out changes to the system. Let's hope he keeps the momentum going. Him and HSK have been commendable so far in showing leadership in the respective ministries they helm.
If the GEP classes can be no larger than 25, you know exactly why they leave the other classes at 40.
Fuck the PAP!
LOL...Election coming?
More classrooms for smaller class size?
Specialised rooms for VR-based/independent learning?
Left pocket to right pocket?
Use to be left to right, but nowadays it is ONE HUGE POCKET into many other create an illusion, that it is meritocracy, democratic & corruption free.
Learn from ah neh start this from young... parent help kids to cheat in exam...
Cheating is temporary and not permanent. There is no hiding the truth.
The day will come when the child starts to cheat the parents.
What is Learning without Applying.
They add values to rent seeking economy PAP who need renters to reduce vacancy rate in property...