Your pineal gland is working for you. Nice.
Yes, you are absolutely correct. This negative emotion is called loosh. The dark beings need the loosh as a food source to survive.
Loosh is created from a person who is in a fearful or worrying state. These negative parasites feed on these.
These negative beings need to feed on others to survive unlike human beings. Human beings are light beings and has the soul spark or inner soul divinity or god self or whatever you called it.
That is the reason we can manifest creation but the negative beings do not have that and can't do that as they don't have the soul spark as what i read.
The negative beings are in different dimension from us just at the border, not far away. They hid there so they can suck the negative energy from us.
this is a reason why they needs us to do the work for them by manipulate us. They are pretty intelligent in doing that.
How to prevent these negative being coming near us?
You just have to raise your vibration. A person who is peaceful and joy, no worries , no fear but happy and full of love, this is in itself a protection against these negatives. These negatives are of low frequency or vibration and they cannot get near high vibration. When you are worry or fearful, you lower your vibration. it is the same you have evil and negative thoughts, it lowers your vibration.
I was told that Love is the highest vibration.
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