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[Sg] - Lee Wei Ling has just died



There's a slight smirk on her face.


No worries if visitor numbers aren’t ideal
PA NTUC SAF GLCs MOE just organise compulsory educational trips. Free nasi lemak enough. To attract the hardcore non goers just rig one 4D draw to coincide with temple’s lucky numbers. It will be 10x more crowded than Loyang TPK and Bugis Kuan Yim temple
they should make you ceo of marketing for this little fuck hole when it’s done


1. I hereby revoke all former Wills and Testamentary Dispositions made by me and declare this to be my last Will.
2. I appoint my dearest bro, so n so, to be the sole Executor of this my Will.
3. I give all my real and personal property of whatever nature and wheresoever situated to which I shall be entitled at my death to my dearest bro, so n so, absolutely.
4. I give hell n fire to my not so dearest bro, so n so and may them conflagrate in eternal purgatory.

IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand this xx day of xxx of xxxx



Big bro should be the one organizing the funeral.

Although Chinese citizens here are Singaporeans, our ancestors had a long culture that spanned 5000yrs of written history, thru rise & fall of empires/dynasties, & even ruled by outsiders such as the Mongols, the Manchus, & even at one stage, held economic & military hostage by England just 2 centuries back, & worse-misled by the devil Commie Mao whom followed the half baked theories of Karl Marx that saw millions Chinese starved & died or massacred such as the educated which led to the diaspora of the Han Civilization to the lush & fertile but wild fields of S. E Asia & tamed it, with their centuries of knowledge & culture, learning from mistakes & corrections made, to work TOGETHER with other races, to make ASEAN to what it is today...

Even though ruled by outsiders, the Han Chinese Civilization held firm to teachings that worked, even as far back as 550BC thru Confucius, whom had been highly influential in Han way of life, copied by outsider rulers & even today.

Family life & way of life was clearly laid down by Confucius, who was a visionary on what works & will not work, even at those brutal times, as he based his principal on the building blocks of Civilization - the family, & fine tuned by generations to come to make it work better, thru passed on Han Chinese traditions & cultures.

By tradition, when the patriarch or matriarch passes away, the Eldest son & his wife becomes the patriarch & matriarch of the family. What they say, or orders, are commands to be followed by everyone else within the family, which is practical as it is often the eldest son that is closes to the parents & groomed to follow the parents wishes & legacies.

However, when family feuds occur, that tradition is broken, & moral obligations lay in debris & sadly, ended.....as some others within the family will not abide by centuries culture & tradition upbringing, along with its moral obligations...

The flawed & imperfect insignificant nobody me is not close to the Lee family, & thus have no right to comment on their family feud, nor anyone else, as it is a private matter.

Senior Minister Lee & wife, at the least, did discarded whatever feud that had occurred, & paid their traditional final respects, on the basis of Humanity, to a blood kin, whom grew up with him together.......

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