the gist is the m&ds of our region has very very poor culinary skills compared to chinks or kelings ...their authentic nasi lemak is no big deal...evemn their satay is of medtarranean origin ..but indo m&ds have far greater varieties ,..each region with each specialities them ,choto madura ,sort of kambing soup but of beef offfals...the taste is heaven our kambing soup is no fight ...likewise each region has its version of soto or soup...
quite sure all here know of nasi padang ..its keling copied ...from the minagkabau people ...but the best nasi padang in padang itself is. operated by the lical the local chinks in padang are called totaks ..they eat by hand and speak zero chink lingo of any dialect...
the most enterprising m&d who can take the chinks are Minang m&ds..not my words but George Yeo said so one .
the indo m&ds have greater variety of foods and taste good too and different from one region to another ...even the kuey teow for instance varies in size and thickness from the same coast in sumatra type in palembang and another type in jambi