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And so this difficult yet somewhat controversial question was finally raised by a brave soul at Reddit Singapore, where he cited excerpts of a recent conversation with a Malay friend and produced thoughtful perspectives based on his personal experiences:
"Was speaking to a Malay friend last night about how highly educated members of the Malay community in Singapore were and wondered why so many folks ended up in the Normal Technical Stream. He cited the fact that Malay families are too big and a significant number of them get started too early. To me, that doesn't make sense because there are also quite a few Chinese families that are quite big in size and they still do relatively well.
I personally feel that Malay families are more supportive towards their kids chasing their own dreams. Unfortunately for them, their dreams in Singapore just don't pay off financially; ultimately many of them have to endure a long and tedious process before ever achieving the slightest iota of tangible success.
Growing up, I studied in the Normal Academic stream and frankly this does something to your self-esteem. Even though I've caught up with my peers since, I always had a chip on my shoulders owing to the fact I had to work doubly hard to arrive at where I am today. With so many Malay kids being assigned to the Normal Technical stream, something ought to be done to at least minimize the stigma associated with this tier of secondary school education, which is often seen as reserved only for the less academically inclined."
Not unexpectedly many Reddiporeans chimed in with their viewpoints, some exerting that an individual's determination to make something of himself supersedes racial considerations. Others cited cultural differences, one's access to resources and the manner of upbringing as possible influencing factors. Then again, is the comparison between the academic achievements of Malays and Chinese (or any other race for that matter) even a fair one? More importantly, is the Singapore education system really complicit in not doing enough to give the Malay community a proper leg-up like everyone else, and meritocracy just a mere hip buzzword bandied about by the government? Food for thought by netizens showcased below:
"I came from the Normal Technical stream and subsequently got posted to ITE Bishan. After which I completed my diploma, served the nation and went on to finish up a university degree (with Honours). All done locally. Most of my peers in university are working; I myself am starting my own business because of passion and I have no regrets. I am a Malay fyi.
My academic track record: My PSLE results were shitty (of course I deserved it because I played too much). My parents cried and told me straight to the face that I was a failure.
I went to the Normal Technical stream and most of my friends in secondary school were Malays - we often hung out at void decks "lepaking" and smoking. I took my 'N' Levels and I think I did ok. Failed in Maths though (obtained an U grade). That however didn't stop me.
In ITE, I took up Product Design because I felt it's one of the better courses for me, not withstanding the fact it was also one of the easiest to gain entry to. Did my 2 years there and graduated. Most of my lecturers encouraged me to aspire to attend institutions of higher learning because they saw my potential. To this very day, I am grateful that they pushed me beyond my limits. I graduated and was happy.
-------- At this point, most of my friends in secondary schools were either serving NS or have dropped out of ITE. (My parents told me to continue studying despite the negative comments and feedback from relatives)
Next I pursued a diploma for 3 years. Graduated. Parents were now proud of me.
-------- Served National Service.
I continued on my education journey by taking up a 2 year degree (with Honours) course and eventually graduated. Naturally parents felt even prouder now.
In the end, I realised it's not about the race. It's about how determined that person is. I hung out with bad company in secondary school and got into trouble with the law but does that define me as a failure in life? I went to ITE, so does that mean "Its The End"? How do you feel when your very own family members tell you straight to the face "you're disgrace to this family"? I had endured that once before and it wasn't pleasant at all to be honest. I spent the last 8 years trying to prove all of them wrong and what did I get in return? Maybe a little satisfaction but more importantly in the larger scheme of things, I wanted to make a meaningful difference (however tiny that might be) to our society."
More at https://www.domainofexperts.com/2018/02/has-singapores-education-failed-malay.html
"Was speaking to a Malay friend last night about how highly educated members of the Malay community in Singapore were and wondered why so many folks ended up in the Normal Technical Stream. He cited the fact that Malay families are too big and a significant number of them get started too early. To me, that doesn't make sense because there are also quite a few Chinese families that are quite big in size and they still do relatively well.
I personally feel that Malay families are more supportive towards their kids chasing their own dreams. Unfortunately for them, their dreams in Singapore just don't pay off financially; ultimately many of them have to endure a long and tedious process before ever achieving the slightest iota of tangible success.
Growing up, I studied in the Normal Academic stream and frankly this does something to your self-esteem. Even though I've caught up with my peers since, I always had a chip on my shoulders owing to the fact I had to work doubly hard to arrive at where I am today. With so many Malay kids being assigned to the Normal Technical stream, something ought to be done to at least minimize the stigma associated with this tier of secondary school education, which is often seen as reserved only for the less academically inclined."
Not unexpectedly many Reddiporeans chimed in with their viewpoints, some exerting that an individual's determination to make something of himself supersedes racial considerations. Others cited cultural differences, one's access to resources and the manner of upbringing as possible influencing factors. Then again, is the comparison between the academic achievements of Malays and Chinese (or any other race for that matter) even a fair one? More importantly, is the Singapore education system really complicit in not doing enough to give the Malay community a proper leg-up like everyone else, and meritocracy just a mere hip buzzword bandied about by the government? Food for thought by netizens showcased below:
"I came from the Normal Technical stream and subsequently got posted to ITE Bishan. After which I completed my diploma, served the nation and went on to finish up a university degree (with Honours). All done locally. Most of my peers in university are working; I myself am starting my own business because of passion and I have no regrets. I am a Malay fyi.
My academic track record: My PSLE results were shitty (of course I deserved it because I played too much). My parents cried and told me straight to the face that I was a failure.
I went to the Normal Technical stream and most of my friends in secondary school were Malays - we often hung out at void decks "lepaking" and smoking. I took my 'N' Levels and I think I did ok. Failed in Maths though (obtained an U grade). That however didn't stop me.
In ITE, I took up Product Design because I felt it's one of the better courses for me, not withstanding the fact it was also one of the easiest to gain entry to. Did my 2 years there and graduated. Most of my lecturers encouraged me to aspire to attend institutions of higher learning because they saw my potential. To this very day, I am grateful that they pushed me beyond my limits. I graduated and was happy.
-------- At this point, most of my friends in secondary schools were either serving NS or have dropped out of ITE. (My parents told me to continue studying despite the negative comments and feedback from relatives)
Next I pursued a diploma for 3 years. Graduated. Parents were now proud of me.
-------- Served National Service.
I continued on my education journey by taking up a 2 year degree (with Honours) course and eventually graduated. Naturally parents felt even prouder now.
In the end, I realised it's not about the race. It's about how determined that person is. I hung out with bad company in secondary school and got into trouble with the law but does that define me as a failure in life? I went to ITE, so does that mean "Its The End"? How do you feel when your very own family members tell you straight to the face "you're disgrace to this family"? I had endured that once before and it wasn't pleasant at all to be honest. I spent the last 8 years trying to prove all of them wrong and what did I get in return? Maybe a little satisfaction but more importantly in the larger scheme of things, I wanted to make a meaningful difference (however tiny that might be) to our society."
More at https://www.domainofexperts.com/2018/02/has-singapores-education-failed-malay.html