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[HWZ EDMW forums] MOE vice-principal of popular primary school caught in extra-marital affair with school parent


High Order Twit / Low SES subject

This MILF looks extremely fuckable she has my seal of approval. Vincent's taste has improved considerably over the years.


Rule number one : want to steal eat, don't screw yourself by taking photos or having your photos taken.
No choice, this smart fella try to claim his freebies service by screen cap so that the mummy dearest cannot back off....this guy may pin himself to a corner if mummy dearest play victim card


All this speak for the quality of our world best silver serpant...

Brain ....dun have
Jin Ham sub
HOME violent
Yet sit at very high place

How, Boss John?


You have no idea how gov structures its pay scale LOL. Even as an LTC, it depends on his education and what sort of plan he's on. Sign on after Poly is also officer what. From his lanjiao face,he's not an LTC. Max i give him he retired as a captain, and that's below the grade of $10k. You guys don't make ppl laugh with your guesswork lah. And don't forget this chart applies across civil service, not just fucking MOE or Army