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[HWZ EDMW forums] MOE vice-principal of popular primary school caught in extra-marital affair with school parent


This type of man I saw alot go geylang find sex le. Why he want to find student mother
cheap and low hanging fruit. he must have known the woman is a single mom. Just check the kid's dossier. And i think they must have interacted at personal level, eg Parent's day, parent's committee etc. obviously he didn't think he would miscalculate


look like Julie Yoo of CNA



True that. But the reason why we hate on him is because he looks like shit + old , but can still pull such lobang. In addition, he works in a school which is ‘supposed’ to be morally upright.
same as some fuckers who work in a church or always talk about god and appear self righteous. Speaking of which I am beginning to miss a certain @JohnTan here. Looks like him leh