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[HWZ EDMW forums] MOE vice-principal of popular primary school caught in extra-marital affair with school parent

Scrooball (clone)

If the SAF retires LTC and SLTC at age 45, the government should not keep them as civil servants at monthly salary of between 8,000 to 22,000
The government appears to be overly generous
If army regular wants a job in the private sector, I have a few roles in mind for them





This kumgong woman blame the milf for breaking family....but never blame own husband kok itchy ir herself for not innovating to keep her husband happy
Actually she should get the evidence and file for divorce and get alimony instead of putting the husband at risk of termination with no income.


The husband smashing Jacqueline Vincent phone means the wife will apply for Personal Protection Order as there's a possibility of violence against his spouse? @NanoSpeed legal eagle can comment?