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[HWZ EDMW forums] MOE vice-principal of popular primary school caught in extra-marital affair with school parent


Alfrescian (Inf)
This guy is ugly as fuck!!!!

Both have a big, meaty nose, which indicates possessing an above average libido. :sneaky:


This kind will drain you dry all night until the morning light, like a vampire. :roflmao:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Unfortunately, this is the sad state. There are too many LTCs in the amed forces. That's why they have to create SLTCs to keep these people happy because there is a quota for Colonels. And when this fails, they throw all these rubbish to the public service.

There are too many jiakliaobees leeching off taxpayer money in Sinkieland, both civilian and military.

Most of them should try working a real job in the private sector.





Wow this Principal say " try to meet up at least twice a week..."

Wow 1 week piak 2x , for above 40 yr is not bad!!! 1x meet he shoot how many times????

Sibei horny sial !!
Beautiful Hougang Mall or NEX meetup , any bro discover Handicap Toilet abnormal sound or dancing car in one dark corner????
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Unfortunately, this is the sad state. There are too many LTCs in the amed forces. That's why they have to create SLTCs to keep these people happy because there is a quota for Colonels. And when this fails, they throw all these rubbish to the public service.
If the SAF retires LTC and SLTC at age 45, the government should not keep them as civil servants at monthly salary of between 8,000 to 22,000
The government appears to be overly generous


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
If the SAF retires LTC and SLTC at age 45, the government should not keep them as civil servants at monthly salary of between 8,000 to 22,000
The government appears to be overly generous
If they do that, then:

1. Who got money buy their $100k COE
2. Who got money buy their $2500/SQ feet condo
3. Who will vote for...