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East Coast Plan unveiled


HSK congratulates interns. :smile:

Heng Swee Keat

Yesterday at 03:19 ·
Congratulations to our graduating batch of 14 East Coast interns who joined our East Coast Internship Programme in February! They are our 7th batch of interns and were exposed to both real-life corporate and community experience.
We started the internship programme to enable students to learn more about the community they live in and the job opportunities of the future. Our hope is by broadening their exposure, they can better decide on the courses they would like to pursue, and learn new skills such as working together in a team.
At the graduation ceremony, I very much enjoyed listening to our interns’ heartfelt sharing about their experiences. They have all grown through the process — such as progressing from joining outreach events, to organising a very major event – the East Coast Health Quest.
Such real-life learning complements classroom learning, and is especially valuable in a time of rapid changes. Our interns told us they learnt, among others, about adapting to unforeseen circumstances, building interpersonal relationships, and developing empathy for others.
I am glad that our interns had an enriching experience and made many new friends in East Coast. Thank you for your service, and all the best in the next lap of your learning journey!
Visit this link to join next year’s internship: go.gov.sg/internwitheastcoast
Bedok Youth Network



from straitstimes.com:

We should position Singapore’s economy as a trusted, neutral node’: DPM Heng​


DPM Heng Swee Keat (left) and ABS chairman and DBS' Piyush Gupta, in a fireside chat at the 51st Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) Annual Dinner on June 28, 2024. ST PHOTO: CHONG JUN LIANG

Timothy Goh

JUN 29, 2024, 04:06 PM


SINGAPORE – Singapore should position itself as a trusted and neutral node for technology, innovation and enterprise, said Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat on June 28.
“If you look at the International Monetary Fund and World Bank’s projections of global growth over the next five years, Asia will lead the world in terms of gross domestic product growth. There are a lot of opportunities in Asia, and we are in the heart of Asia, so we should think hard about this,” he said.
DPM Heng was speaking at a fireside chat moderated by DBS Bank chief executive Piyush Gupta during the 51st anniversary of the Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS).

Mr Heng said disruptions to the economy such as the Covid-19 pandemic, bifurcation of the global supply chain and the United States-China trade tensions can occur, which is why Singapore companies need to be able to navigate these challenges. He added that it is important for the financial industry to have a “strong linkage” to the real economy: “The financial sector plays a very important role not just in preserving wealth, but also in generating future wealth.”
Mr Heng said Singapore must continue to maintain a neutral stance in the light of tensions between the US and China. He said: “We have articulated very clearly to the Americans, the Chinese, and the rest of the world that we don’t want to take sides; we want to be able to work with both sides.”
DBS’ Mr Gupta, who is also chairman of the ABS, noted in his opening statement that issues such as technological advances, climate and sustainability and trust will continue to be key themes in the financial industry.

He said: “Trust is the cornerstone of the banking industry and we are fortunate that in Singapore, banks are highly trusted entities by the public.

“However, the proliferation of scams has increased the risk of trust erosion among consumers.”
There were 46,563 scam cases reported in 2023 – the highest number since the police started tracking them in 2016, a 47 per cent increase from 2022.
The ABS marked its anniversary by announcing the winner of its anti-scam mascot design competition, which began in April and was open to Singapore citizens, permanent residents, work permit holders, professionals, student pass holders and organisations.
The competition received nearly 400 entries.
The association said it wanted the mascot to be visually present in households to keep the anti-scam message top of mind among children and adults.

Constance Ambre de Mercey, 10, wins the ABS anti-scam mascot design competition with her entry, Leon the Skameleon, on June 28. ST PHOTO: CHONG JUN LIANG
Constance Ambre Le Grand de Mercey, a 10-year-old pupil, snagged the first prize of $10,000 for her design “Leon the Skameleon” – a hand-drawn chameleon with a QR code containing scam information.
The second prize of $3,000 went to comic artist Andy Choo for his creation “PAW (Pause And Wait) the Cat”, while the third prize of $2,000 was awarded to education officer Yang Wenjun for his design “Spotty, a red dot”.


HSK congratulates Constance. :smile:

Heng Swee Keat

Watch out for Scameleon!
Designed by 10-year-old Constance, Scameleon reminds the public to beware of deceptive scammers, who just like a chameleon, never show their true colours.
Congratulations Constance for winning The Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS)’s anti-scam mascot design competition, announced at their 51st Annual Dinner yesterday.
Enjoy the video (watch to the end!).
Note: Skameleon was rebranded by ABS to Scameleon
(Video from ABS)



HSK wishes all youths Happy Youth Day! :thumbsup:

Heng Swee Keat

Happy Youth Day!
The future of our youths will be shaped by the rapid technological advancements — and disruptions — relentlessly driven by AI. How can we embrace and co-exist with AI? Will jobs be obsolete with the rise of AI?
I joined industry professionals at the Bedok Career Conversations on the topic of “Navigating the Future of Work with Gen AI” last weekend, to address these concerns and more from our youth participants.
Glad to see our youths asking questions and contributing their own perspectives as digital natives. AI technology can present both opportunities and challenges, and I encouraged our youths to embrace AI, or any emerging technology, as part of learning and growth, and develop critical thinking and evaluation skills, especially on AI-generated content. I urged them to explore and harness opportunities in technology and the workforce, with curiosity and confidence.
Our youths of today have what it takes to seize the future. I am certain all of you — to borrow a word from one of our event participants — will continue to “slay”!
Bedok Youth Network



HSK thanks Masagos. :smile:

Heng Swee Keat is with Zaqy Mohamad at Our Tampines Hub.​

· Singapore ·
Thank you Masagos Zulkifli for inviting me to Our Tampines Hub to launch this year’s Raikan Ilmu - a month-long campaign by MENDAKI Singapore to celebrate knowledge and encourage lifelong learning.
MENDAKI and many other community partners have encouraged and supported learning in many ways over the years, including tuition, scholarships and mentorship programmes. These efforts complement government initiatives to benefit the Malay/Muslim community.
Globalisation, science and technology, demographics, and climate change are driving rapid changes in the global economy. These will require all of us to adapt and acquire a new range of technical and soft skills, so that we can innovate and seize new opportunities.
Raikan Ilmu’s core ideals of embracing knowledge and pursuing lifelong learning are more important than ever! As the proverb goes, pengayuh sudah di tangan, perahu sudah di air – the oar is in our hands, and the canoe is in the water. Visit Raikan Ilmu @ Heartlands at Our Tampines Hub (29 – 30 Jun), Jurong Point (15 -21 Jul) and Kampung Admiralty (27 – 28 Jul) to start rowing on your lifelong journey. All the best in always moving forward!



HSK glad to see many residents using their CDC vouchers. :cool:

Heng Swee Keat

The Marketplace at 58 and surrounding shops were bustling when I visited yesterday. Many Bedok residents were having breakfast with their family and friends. Others had travelled from across the island to explore the wonderful food options, and shop for their groceries from the market stalls and surrounding shops!
Glad to see many residents using their CDC vouchers, which help residents with the costs of daily necessities, while supporting our heartland merchants and hawkers. Singaporean households can claim the latest vouchers at go.gov.sg/cdcv.



HSK enjoyed durian. :smile:

Heng Swee Keat

It’s durian season again! Durian is an iconic fruit in Singapore – and many families have their stories of prying open durians together and eating them with their bare hands.
Happy that 150 residents came together for our annual Durian Fiesta! It was wonderful to see families and neighbours bond over a delectable spread of the King of Fruits. Some of our young residents were also having their first taste of durians – and I am glad they enjoyed it!
Thank you to our Lucky C.O.M RNs organisers, and to 新加坡福建会馆 Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan and 227 Katong Durian for making this event possible!



HSK encouraged seniors to opt for the EASE programme. :thumbsup:

Heng Swee Keat

Glad to meet residents at Bedok Orchid over the weekend. We had a good dialogue session, an insightful sharing by Housing & Development Board representatives on the EASE (Enhancement for Active Seniors) programme, and fun and games run by Bedok Orchid RC and our community partners.
I encouraged seniors to opt for the EASE programme, as it enhances mobility and safety within their homes through enhancements such as grab bars and slip-resistant bathroom tiles.
Residents whose flats are undergoing HIP can opt for the EASE enhancements to be installed at the same time. Other eligible residents may apply directly to HDB here: https://go.gov.sg/hdb-ease-esvc



HSK hopes this encourages you to take action today. :thumbsup:

Heng Swee Keat

Every little effort matters when it comes to keeping our home clean and green. #GreenEastCoast is testament to our efforts to protect our environment – including tree planting, recycling and beach cleanups.
This video by the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment shows how seemingly small actions can compound to make a significant impact on the environment. I hope this encourages you to take action today.
To find out more about Go Green SG, and sign up for learning journeys, tours, workshops, talks, events and more, visit www.gogreen.gov.sg!



HSK is grateful for a strong pool of volunteers all around Singapore, including in East Coast. :notworthy:

Heng Swee Keat

A willingness to help others is the essence of volunteering. Volunteers plant seeds of service in every corner of our community. They serve in many ways – some heed the call when a need arises, while others prefer more structured or regular volunteering. Some quietly help others through acts of neighbourly kindness, while others share their passions for arts, sciences or the environment with the community.
Regardless of how they choose to contribute, we are grateful for a strong pool of volunteers all around Singapore, including in East Coast. Each and every one of us can care and help in our own little ways – and this is how we build a caring and cohesive society over time, together.
As part of MSF Singapore’s Year of Celebrating Volunteers, MSF is holding its inaugural Volunteer Festival in July. There will be fun, games and interactive booths at four heartland locations, so do drop by to find out more about volunteering in your neighbourhood. More information on the Year of Celebrating Volunteers is available at celebratingvolunteers.sg.
East Coast has a variety of opportunities across our Green, Caring and Vibrant pillars, from beach clean ups and supporting low-income families, to mural paintings! If you’re keen to volunteer for East Coast, sign up here: https://go.gov.sg/ecvolunteering.
#SGVolunteers #CaringEastCoast



HSK had a good discussion. :coffee:

Heng Swee Keat

The rapid pace of technological change today has major implications for all countries including in Asia and Europe. By working together, we can harness new and emerging technologies to build a better, healthier and greener future. At the same time, we can also mitigate risks to our individual safety and societal well-being.
Had a good discussion on global trends in technology, innovation and research with EU Executive Vice-President (EVP) for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age and Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager yesterday.
Singapore and the EU cooperate closely in areas ranging from trade and investment to connectivity, sustainability and climate change. To enable new opportunities in the digital realm for our businesses and people, we are negotiating a digital trade agreement that will facilitate trusted data flows and promote a connected and secure digital environment. We are also exploring ways to deepen our research linkages and collaborations – to work together on developing solutions to shared challenges such as public health and an ageing population.
I wish EVP Vestager and her delegation a fruitful and memorable visit to Singapore!

(MCI Photo by Terence Tan)
May be an image of 2 people


HSK hoped everyone had an enjoyable morning. :smile:

Heng Swee Keat

Joined Bedok Bunga Merah RC residents for a brisk walk last Sunday morning. The network of sheltered walkways connecting our neighbourhood meant that we could continue, albeit taking a different route, despite the rain. The cooler weather also made it a pleasant outing! The RC organises the walk every last Sunday of each month and I encourage more residents to join in to keep fit together!
Residents then attended a “Be Device-Safe” programme that promotes the safe use of motorised active mobility devices (AMDs). It was jointly conducted by Land Transport Authority – We Keep Your World Moving and Singapore Civil Defence Force. Do ensure your devices are registered with LTA and compliant with current safety standards — non-compliant devices can cause a fire which can spread very quickly!
Hope everyone had an enjoyable morning walking with neighbours and learning how to safeguard ourselves and our loved ones from fire risk!
We Love Bedok



HSK was happy to see residents using CDC vouchers. :wink:

Heng Swee Keat is with Jessica Tan Soon Neo and
3 others
at Blk 216 Bedok Hawker Centre.​

· Singapore ·
Joined fellow East Coast Advisers at Blk 216 Bedok Hawker Centre this morning!
Good to see residents using CDC vouchers to purchase their breakfasts, including seniors who are making good use of the vouchers to redeem meals and groceries.
We also shared more about the additional GST Voucher cash payouts which will be disbursed to eligible Singaporeans in August. You can find out more at: govbenefits.gov.sg.
Wishing everyone a good weekend!
