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Serious Cheng Bock Caught Red Handed Plotting Mischief With The Oppies! Time To Bring Him In For Questioning? GPGT

Robert Half

You will die sad and alone, with only your right hand holding your cock as your only companion.

Grassroots survey indicate a 55% level support for PAP in both Aljunied and Hougang. GE2020, Singapore will be united once again. Have you seen the new condos sprouting up in Hougang and Aljunied? Oppies are no longer the majority in both wards.

Everyone has to die someday as for you, the day you die all the foreigners will laughing at you and your family for being a bunch of silly worthless Sinkies :biggrin:

On whole the foreigners see us Singaporeans as one regardless you are PAP supporters or oppie supporters.

Do you really think these foreigners like you so much ?
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Lunch Corporal
Bock Cheng wants to do a Mahathir style election victory . The tested vs the newbie . It will be an interesting fight.
worth trying. after PAP fucked him over with their new racial policy for the elected presidency, he might as well go out with a bang... history remembers the winners, not the losers.... if he does not try, he will have no chance forever. i suppork him!


One GRC at a time, sedikit sedikit lama lama jadi bukit.
I used to think.like tat for decades. but after last erection. I don't think I have decades more for the next win. The worse thing about last erection is the oppos could not even win in seats held by fucked up pap MPs like disgraceful. Tin pot long. Sia sway . These were my expectations for the win. N lost pongol east n nearly lost aljunied. Just shows u the fucked up mentality of Singkies. U think the Singkie is worthy? And the BB BE...ah chee cannot even win an ah Neh candidate...what more can I say?



At a working lunch hosted by the SDP this afternoon, several opposition parties came together to explore the possibility of working closer together to present a unified front at the next elections.

The SDP also took the opportunity to propose that presidential candidate Dr Tan Cheng Bock help lead the effort in building such a coalition. Those present welcomed the move.

"With his experience and leadership," Dr Chee Soon Juan said, "the SDP is confident that Dr Tan will be able to lead the effort."

The former PAP MP, who attended the meeting as an observer, said: "If you want me to lead, then we must think of country first. If we go in, we must go in as a team."

The luncheon saw leaders and representatives of various opposition parties express their enthusiasm in greater cooperation with one another.

Mr Lim Tean, leader of the People's Voice said that while the exact form of such cooperation remains to be worked out, it is important that there be a more centralised form of leadership.

This sentiment was echoed by People's Power Party's Secretary-General Mr Goh Meng Seng who added that without discipline, such a coalition equals trouble.



Mahathir boldly states: “The people of Singapore must be tired of having the same government since independence”

By Jewel Stolarchuk - May 30, 2018

Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad made a bold statement during a recent interview with The Financial Times, seemingly taking a jibe at the ruling party here.

92-year-old Dr Mahathir made history earlier this month by defeating the incumbent at the polls and ushering in Malaysia’s first transition of power since independence, at the watershed 2018 Malaysian General Election.

Mahathir, who helped establish the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition in power and served as Malaysia’s longest-serving Prime Minister, stepped out of retirement and left the ruling party to lead the opposition.

Breaking the BN’s six-decade long monopoly, Mahathir beat his one-time protégé Najib Razak and became the world’s oldest head of government.

Implying that the stunning election upset he led across the causeway may have a ripple effect in Singapore,

Dr Mahathir said: “I think the people of Singapore, like the people in Malaysia, must be tired of having the same government, the same party since independence.”

Dr Mahathir’s bold remark comes amid widespread speculation that his recent victory at the polls may have a dampening effect on relations between Malaysia in Singapore.

Adding fuel to the fire was the fact that he met Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong for just 30 minutes after Lee travelled all the way to Putrajaya to congratulate him on his electoral win.


in sg it's hard to trust what you hear at "ground" level as they are mainly low ses outsiders running errands, driving cabs, collecting cardboards, clearing tables, doing odd jobs, delivering food, or sitting around with nothing to do. 69% or more of sinkie voters consider themselves higher ses and are either in airconned office playing with social media and surfing porn or at home fingering away watching k-drama while maids are sweating away doing everything from car washing to window cleaning. 69% or more, because they want to protect their current comfortable lifestyles, will vote pap. oppies can imagine all the "ground" swell they dream of, but reality will materialize on erection day.
Have to admit u r right. A typical Singkie is well educated but ignorant. Selfish n self centered but thinks he is self righteous. Look at the taxi drivers. Always kpkb about pap but always vote them in. What hope is there with ppl like that? And being a hokkein dominated society..these traits including Kia su Kia see kiam siup Kia bor Kia chenghu see mai been..where got future? Just let pap run the show forwver


Singapore's next parliamentary general election must be held by 15 January 2021 ( last 11 Sept 2015) . According to the Constitution, the Parliament of Singapore's maximum term is five years from the date of the first sitting of Parliament following a general election, after which it is dissolved by operation of law. However, the Prime Minister may advise the President to dissolve Parliament before the five-year period is up[2]. A general election must be held within three months after a dissolution of Parliament. Singapore uses the first-past-the-post system of election, and voting is mandatory. Elections are conducted by the Elections Department, which is under the jurisdiction[3] of the Prime Minister's Office.


Sinkies simply no balls. Unlike those jiuhukia. I mean just 5 yrs right? Give it a shot lah!
Singkies are one of a kind. It's the fuckein nature bcos of the fuckiens dominance of the country. Anyway even if pap wins huge forever it will not surprised me.


Have you spoken to the lot on the ground? Sinkies are an emotional lot, very nice docile sheeples if you will.

What matters to sinkies is when the GST voucher is coming in, why their son fail to get into medical school, why Arsenal win PSG 5-1, and what number come out for 4D and Toto. Beyond that, they don't care. Screw them all


Singapore's next parliamentary general election must be held by 15 January 2021 ( last 11 Sept 2015) . According to the Constitution, the Parliament of Singapore's maximum term is five years from the date of the first sitting of Parliament following a general election, after which it is dissolved by operation of law. However, the Prime Minister may advise the President to dissolve Parliament before the five-year period is up[2]. A general election must be held within three months after a dissolution of Parliament. Singapore uses the first-past-the-post system of election, and voting is mandatory. Elections are conducted by the Elections Department, which is under the jurisdiction[3] of the Prime Minister's Office.
Thanks for some real info. Next year will be a good time for the erection. Pap needs to raise GST etc. They cant do it now and if they drag the erection further..more problems will arise due to mudland etc. And also drag the erection further means longer delays for raising gst etc. And will give tcb to consolidate his oppo front . This national day. Pap will announce goodies to soften the electorate. Than promote these goodies for the year than next year call the erection during old farts anniversary. Singkies will fall for it hook line n sinker


Infinity ( yahoo sg news)

3 hours ago

See what happened when Grab & Uber were competing for customers? The competition between them kept the price low and customers were benefiting from it. Now see what happened after the Grab-Uber deal? Price started to increase and the indirect benefits for customers have disappeared slowly one by one. Anyone with at least a tertiary education would know the importance of competition.

The benefits of competition apply to our politics as well. But bear in mind our politicians have their interest in mind when they said it is bad to have competition for them, just like Grab saying that it is perfectly alright and they are not hurting the consumers at all after their deal with Uber.

I would say the same thing if I'm LHL. It is the dream of every player (political parties, private companies etc) to monopolise the market while keeping others under control through competition.

LHL is being rational if he doesn't want PAP to have competition, he has his own interest in mind. For myself, as an average citizen with no family connection to PAP, I'm also being very rational to hope for PAP to have some competition, in my own interest as well.

And just like LHL, I also hope to have no competition for myself (hence fewer foreigners please, they are competing with me for jobs! Sounds familiar??).

And just as LHL has his own interest in mind and is trying to control me through competition (encouraging foreigners to compete with me), I also hope to control him through competition (encouraging more opposition members in parliament), in my own interest as well.

See the dynamics at play? See what happened after the 2011 GE? Wasn't life changing for the better for the average citizen between 2011 - 2015 after the watershed election during the years of intense competition between PAP & WP?

Now see what happened after the 2015 GE after a resounding victory by our political elites from PAP? Competition declined as a result after WP lost some seats and see what happened now?

Prices of everything started to increase one by one, it is as if our PAP political elites are trying to 'get back' their lost profits during the years of competition with WP (2011-2015).

Like what Grab is doing now! Please bear in mind that people must be educated enough to know that fear is a common tool used by politicians worldwide since the ancient times to keep the commoners in check.

So please be prepared to see our political elites making use of fear + greed + hope + conditioning + anxiety to nudge the majority to behave in a particular way in the next GE.

During our GE 2011, people in Aljunied were warned of getting 'punished' and to 'repent' if they never 'vote wisely', well, they really voted 'wisely' after that and nothing serious happened to them after all.

During the vote for Brexit, people were warned of the 'end of the world' and 'immense suffering' should Britain leaves the EU, well as of now, nothing serious happened.

During the vote for Donald Trump, people in the USA were warned of major collapse ( > 90%) of the stock market and total economic collapse but well, after 2 years, ironically, the U.S. stock market was up by a very high percentage and the USA economy was booming and nothing serious happened to them thus far.

Be more intelligent and understand the dynamics at play at various levels.

Competition is good and the Competition Equilibrium is a lot more stable in juxtaposition to other types of equilibrium even though stakeholders (PAP, LHL, Grab etc) have their own interest and would prefer you to believe otherwise.


I don't think tcb is doing himself any justice by associating with those opposition jokers either seeking exposure to sell their new books or their 2 weeks of glory.

His new coalition won't made much impact. It would be far better for him to either join WP or form his own party (and work with WP)