My views here were largely based on histories I had read , you see , in my travels across the globe over decades and decades , I reserved the nights for wine , dine and fucks but my mornings when free is going to historical sites , local libraries and museums , which most Sinkies won’t arose because of my curiosity, hey ! Why ah ?
iSinkie history I relate here is mainly due to 2 books written , 1 by a Baba lawyer and another by the British , both before 1912 , even before LKY was born and titled the ‘100 years of Singapore history ‘ ...very very interesting it even contained the old census of Sinkieland by population and migration ...according to the books there was a period the kelings formed the majority of population of Sinkieland ...and surprisingly before 1912 , the profession of prostitution was mainly by Japanese ladies till the Japanese realised this degrading themselves and want to grow out of it , so even Dr M admiration for Japanese dignity itself is fairlya new thingy to the Japanese themselves ...there were even Japanese Barbers in Sinkieland ,servicing the chinks who were mainly a coolie force
and then there was another book written by Wallace who was the buddy of Darwin ,Wallace not only travelled the entire Malay archipelago for decades but also thevAmazon jungles as well ... and he had observed pretty interesting things about Malays ,Indians and chinese in the 1800 ...he had wrote Malays as a cunning and smart asses compared to the Dayaks and other natives but most of his assistants were Malay natives ...and there were many lingos spoken within the Malay peninsula and he had produced a dictionary , eg , your ancestors as a boyanrse could have spoke a very different form of Bahasa ...even in my very own experience in forestry , the same species of a particular tree would have a Different names in different region though all are Malays ,, eg Balau is a common name of a hard wood tropical tree , it called Selangan Batu just in another region in Kalimantan itself and Bangkirai just across the sea ..same country different name
so , Malay peninsula indeed had a very interesting history much more than chinks making it civilised , hence I don’t buy their stories