Depends on how u look at it,,,amongst the Cina there are many that cannot speak Canto and only speak mandarin bcos they go cina schools. In JB I get along fine speaking Mandarin,,and I only speak canto to those that speak canto,,,in KL Canto is still the street language,,however mandarin is sexpending due to cina schools and the rise of tiong land,,,in general,,mandarin as the main language of cina is bo pian one due to the huge number of northerners and the promotion of mandarin is the national language. my main gaffe is the chicoms promoting it as the only language of the cina,,,and southern cina dont speak mandarin,,,but have to tow the line...and the intentional destruction of the southern languages,,that is the issue...and what is worst is the fuckeins,,are the biggest mandarin speaking supporters and have sold their souls to the chicoms...dont forget in the past,,there were fuckein schools and dead fart shut them down with the support of the fuckeins...and I did ask my fuckein relatives about it,,,u know what they say?? Good to speak mandarin as will unite the cinas,,,why dont speak fuckein and unite the fuckeins? If the chicoms just say use mandarin as an educational tool,,,and let the regions speak their own language on a personal basis ,,,there will be true diversity and the people will actually be more united instead of ostracised.,...there will be unity through diversity,,something chicoms will never understand...
And in the past,,when go mudland,,I was always told good thing about m&ds is when m&d see m&ds,,,they will speak m&d,,and when car breakdown etc,,its always the m&d that stop the car to help,,in army,,,m&d ah bangs etc were always united,,always help platoon mates etc,,,now,,,m&ds are emulating Arabs like never b4 and are forsaking their own m&d culture,,,in the past,,m&ds never create noise about halal this and that,,and now they isolate themselves even more,,,m&ds now are becoming the equivalent to Fuckeins,,,sell their soul to the dominant culture,,