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Just got retrenched from my job


Just got retrenched from my job. Every job interview I went, the interviewer is a ceca knn. Jin sianz. Feels like the interview is just for wayang only, in the end they only hire their own kind.
the moment you see a snake at the interview, just turn and leave Snakes will always hire their own kind. Go take a look at the global India school in punggol
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Just got retrenched from my job. Every job interview I went, the interviewer is a ceca knn. Jin sianz. Feels like the interview is just for wayang only, in the end they only hire their own kind.

Its time for you to change your race to Ceca, change your name to pleasehelpme subramaniam, darken your skin, mention Uptron in your CV and you should be good to go.


We need more ceca's to balance chauvinist Chinese influence. More tandoori shops to balance hot pots.
You must be daft to think that all this while PAP is silent about CECAkroaches bashing, without a just reason.

Well I will tell you now. It's because it helps with the masking of triple number Chink-rats they're importing.

Sinkie attention is upon the CECAKROACHES while Chink-rats go unnoticed.