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Captain McCully


The difference between good and bad people is one got meaningful life and one got meaningless life indeed. Pui!
In fact I have created so much meaning in my life that I see no need to do more good to create any more meaning. Let other people do their share, I have done more than my fair share in life.


In fact I have created so much meaning in my life that I see no need to do more good to create any more meaning. Let other people do their share, I have done more than my fair share in life.... THINK IT'S TIME TO DIG A HOLE N BURY MYSELF IN IT FOR GOOD...


Look at you Malaysian shameless evil manipulative criminal bully son of slut fabricating post in my good name and putting words into my mouth. I get good sleep if not for you criminal bullies harassing me with knocks is called I am the bad people only by you the real bad people that hell is awaiting. Pui!!


In fact I have created so much meaning in my life that I see no need to do more good to create any more meaning. Let other people do their share, I have done more than my fair share in life.
The difference between good and bad people is good people gave others a chance while bad people are opportunistic bitches that not only gave people no chance but will trample people that gave them chance.


The difference between good and bad people is good people gave others a chance while bad people are opportunistic bitches that not only gave people no chance but will trample people that gave them chance.
I should have the wisdom to demand my ex boss to fire kt latha then. Instead of being so stupid to make zero demands. It doesn’t pay to give bad people chance. Pui!


I should have the wisdom to demand my ex boss to fire kt latha then. Instead of being so stupid to make zero demands. It doesn’t pay to give bad people chance. Pui!
My ex boss made kt latha to apologize to me if not he will fire her and he said “she knows what she did”. But in her apology to me, she said she doesn’t know what she did but she will apologise to me. Hey slut in bed calling others slut kt latha, why apologise if you think you did nothing wrong? Be like me walk out of the job if you think you did nothing wrong. Pui!


My ex boss made kt latha to apologize to me if not he will fire her and he said “she knows what she did”. But in her apology to me, she said she doesn’t know what she did but she will apologise to me. Hey slut in bed calling others slut kt latha, why apologise if you think you did nothing wrong? Be like me walk out of the job if you think you did nothing wrong. Pui!

Just look at your own cheebye, how big and wide the entrance!!!!


My ex boss made kt latha to apologize to me if not he will fire her and he said “she knows what she did”. But in her apology to me, she said she doesn’t know what she did but she will apologise to me. Hey slut in bed calling others slut kt latha, why apologise if you think you did nothing wrong? Be like me walk out of the job if you think you did nothing wrong. Pui!
I shall always remember you slut-in-bed-calling me-slut kt latha bent down and kissed my feet to keep your job. Pui!


The difference between good and bad people is good people gave others a chance while bad people are opportunistic bitches that not only gave people no chance but will trample people that gave them chance.

You are the bad people. 坏女人!!


Why you keep fabricating post using my good name? You got no guts to talk in your own name? Pui your evil filthy Cantonese mother phua cb the difference between good and bad people is good people don’t attack a woman as slut to win and that’s you son of slut and you deserve not just vulgarity but to be hanged for your vicious crimes destroying my good name and my good life. You and kt latha see me have sex with who? Pui!