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Captain McCully


Guess what’s the justification used? There was a huge backlog of supplier invoices to be processed at our Perth office and it’s CHEAPER to hire a clerk in Singapore instead of Australia.
Clerks in Singapore are paid half of that in Perth AND Australia clerks only work three quarter of the hours in Singapore as per stipulated.


Clerks in Singapore are paid half of that in Perth AND Australia clerks only work three quarter of the hours in Singapore as per stipulated.
Sinkie workers will die in jealousy to know whatever they kpkb Aussie workers got it more than a decade ago. Good protection in every way from good stipulated pay to good stipulated working hours to good stipulated increment tied to inflation to good laws against errant firing.


Sinkie workers will die in jealousy to know whatever they kpkb Aussie workers got it more than a decade ago. Good protection in every way from good stipulated pay to good stipulated working hours to good stipulated increment tied to inflation to good laws against errant firing.
And now that inflation hits the roof, aussie workers must be the most fortunate on earth with no worries about inflation. The companies and bosses are the ones to be worried.


Sinkie workers will die in jealousy to know whatever they kpkb Aussie workers got it more than a decade ago. Good protection in every way from good stipulated pay to good stipulated working hours to good stipulated increment tied to inflation to good laws against errant firing.
Oh ya good superannuation aka cpf policy too that allows workers to set up their own investment fund in their own name to invest their superannuation themselves. I saw our company staff did that. Isn’t this what sinkies complain too of the 2.5%?


Sinkie workers will die in jealousy to know whatever they kpkb Aussie workers got it more than a decade ago. Good protection in every way from good stipulated pay to good stipulated working hours to good stipulated increment tied to inflation to good laws against errant firing.
What a good government that offers good protection to citizens. On hindsight they are so smart in every way. How did they come up with so many good government polices to cover every aspect from salary to working hours to increment to cpf to termination?Not like Singapore, zero protection in every way especially for managers that can be anyhow fired without a care by the government.


What a good government that offers good protection to citizens. On hindsight they are so smart in every way. How did they come up with so many good government polices to cover every aspect from salary to working hours to increment to cpf to termination?Not like Singapore, zero protection in every way especially for managers that can be anyhow fired without a care by the government.
Good government that offers good protection is very important indeed when meet office bullying by boss and hr manager indeed. What happened to me will NEVER happen to our Australia staff.


Good government that offers good protection is very important indeed when meet office bullying by boss and hr manager indeed. What happened to me will NEVER happen to our Australia staff.
LJ McCully was so scared of our aussie staff dare not even push them when they did not meet my deadline for work submission. Asked me to give them more time woh. So nice.


Ask yourself that mark Andrew yeo. I got plenty of police reports to my name be it in spore or jb. Pui!




Why I can change staff to good and better without dissing them but LJ McCully cannot? He should learn from me the lowly finance manager indeed.
ya, learn from u on how to behave like a slut in the office....no wonder LJ has no choice, but to fired u.. :geek:


The other thread reminds me don’t forget the backdrop to all these are in the year before and during global financial crisis - full of troubles.


Ah neh get free blow job from you.
You are a gong cheebye last time and now also.
Hell awaiting you Cantonese scammer prostitute spinning and spamming evil filthy lies of me repeatedly. You not just don’t deserve civility you should be hanged to death for your crimes. Pui!